Thursday, December 5, 2013

PCD Organization Meeting - 11/13/2013

Nov 13 2013 Meeting of Portland Community Dancers
We met at Kellie Ryan's new cabin in the sky on High Street. Don Norman facilitated. Got started at 7:20 with a goal to end at 9:00
Kellie, Don, Deb, John B, Jill, Liberty, Mellen, Jim Y, Chloe, and Sage

1. Visioning
2. Membership
3. Incorporation
4. Mission Statement
6. Governance
7. Finances
8. Next Meeting

1. Visioning
Deemed appropriate to delay a visioning discussion to a later time, with a larger group, in favor of focusing on forming the organization first. All agreed.

2. Membership
Deemed appropriate to delay a discussion of membership to a later time, with a larger group. All agreed.
Two down, that was easy.
3. Incorporation (legal entity)
Reference to Neil's discussion with his lawyer bearing valuable advice as to the form of legal entity which would suit us best. Non Profit or LLC?
Kellie offered to check out her friend/lawyer to get a 2nd opinion. Don proposed we move forward in getting all the details from Neil and others as to the best format and deciding which form to take with a larger group.
Question as to when is the best time to start the legal clock... January 1st?
Next steps:
List of details from Neil
Cross check by Kellie
Mellen will check online info
... all to be reported at next meeting (Thursday 11/21/13)
Don felt that important final decisions be made by the whole group (i.e. this current mail list, those who have been coming to these formation meetings). Day to day management decisions to be made by the "Gang of Six" ... see item 6.
All agreed

4. Mission Statement
Don, impressed by Martin's input to the letter to Lea at an earlier stage of our formation, proposed that we ask Martin to write a first draft of our Mission Statement.
John Boynton offered to collaborate or take on the task in Martin's stead if necessary.
All agreed.

5. Website
Chloe stepped up with enthusiasm to put time and energy into creating a delicious website to be our on-line presence and portal. She offered to devote 6 hours of creative time unpaid and would ask for $35/hour compensation for the next six hours. After that we, she, would review the agreement.
I just did, but somebody had spilled paint all over the cover page (jus' kiddin')

Sidebar: There was discussion of including in the website some description as to our genesis.... how this particular group came about to offer Sunday Dance, managed and supported by community effort.  This may also explain our separation from Ecstatic Dance ME.
Kellie, Deb, and Sage offered to collaborate on this.
All agreed

6. Governance
Discussion ensued with the gist being that a small board of 4-6 people would manage the day to day (or week to week) operations of Portland Community Dancers. They would meet on a regular basis and stay in touch to be sure that what needed to happen to manage Sunday Dance would indeed happen. The "gang of six" may also serve on or be in charge of committees, or simply be sure that the tasks are being properly executed by others.
It is suggested that a board (gang) member serve for six months. It is also suggested that terms be staggered so that the entire gang doesn't roll over at the same time.That may mean that the first term for some be only  three months. It is suggested that we aim for terms to start on January 1st, 2014.
(that means their first job can be cleaning up after the New Year's Party.... kidding... kinda)
? Who would be willing to serve?
Deb: List all the duties of the entire organization on separate sheets of paper and have folks sign up to what they feel they are interested in doing.
Deb: Put out a call to the community for the opportunity to serve.
Thought: Perhaps four out of the six should come from this initial group.
Thought: Post sign up sheets at Sunday Dance.
Thought: Direct e-mail appeal to everyone on our e-mail list.
Mellen: Let folks know that PCD is forming, growing and needs volunteerism to thrive.
Liberty: Who could phrase this request at our after dance circle?
Kellie: I will !
All: Thank you Kellie!
Don: We could make this appeal to the dancers over 3 consecutive Sundays.
Deb: ....Starting Sunday 11/24 after an e-mail has gone out to everyone.... after our next meeting on 11/21.
How to pick the governors?
Decide this at the next meeting. All agreed.
Deb: Ask who is willing to serve, now or in future
    E-mail everyone who has been coming to these meetings.
Don: will write that appeal.
Deb: Set a goal to elect the first gang of six at our next meeting. (attendance at the meeting not required to serve)
Range: Willing to serve... to... passionate about serving
Deb: Are there any ideas as to how to facilitate this "election" process?
Mellen: nominates Dave Grant to facilitate the next meeting. Deb will ask him.
7. Finances
Mellen: Have a position of treasurer who would open and hold the bank account(s). Have a bookeeper position which could be other than the treasurer and may rotate to handle the week to week money, deposits, pay rent, check writing, etc.
How to shape the scope and role of treasurer and bookkeeper?

8. Next Meeting Thursday, Nov 21
at Deb and Dave Grants' house:
60 Brentwood Street

Meeting ended with 9 1/2 minutes to spare!  A commitee was quickly formed to discuss how to use the extra time but that effort was truncated by Kellie putting on the music, pumping up the volume, and ....  we all danced !

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