Sunday, June 16, 2019

Meraki Meeting Notes- May 14, 2019

·               Vibe Keeper: Sheila
·               Time Keeper: Mellen
·               Facilitator: Deb
·               In-Gathering: Jason

Attendees: Diedre, Deb, Kendra, Jason, Martin, Mellen, Oracle, Steve, Jenna, Don, Sheila, Tasha 

Aligned Agenda:

  1.  Legal Update – proposal for minors at dance
  2. Consent committee update - all consent committee docs
  3. Consent committee Snack and Chat  - proposal for Snack and Chat
  4. Spring Retreat
  5.  Restorative Justice - proposal for restorative justice process
  6. Accepting credit card payments - Kiara
  7. Meeting frequency -Oracle

1.    Legal Update – Mellen
Shared summary of proposal
Parent sign off if under 18


Sheila: Would be important to have online and they can have parent sign in advance
Oracle: Check with parent all ages dance info
Deidre: Would encourage signed formed and have phone number of guardian and role
Tasha: IDing people who are younger is on greeter which should be noted
Deb: 13-15 parent there, 16+ needs sign off
Jason: Proposes we should discuss maybe the age 13 is too young

During next meeting we will discuss 13+ age at dance

2.    Consent committee update

Kendall: Rolling out with heartful no and bracelets this Sunday. Diedre Kendall and Neil will get to dance early and share an announcement during closing circle. Details are written for website, FB, email, and poster. May create a short video for FB or email.

Heartful no and bracelets will be announced this Sunday and the 3 following.


Jason: Recommends they have a member there for Thursday as well and poster. Recs checking with Paulina (Avant dance center person) or John to confirm time is okay.

Martin: Asks for consistency in how message is shared to group. Has concerns about how the heartful no and bracelet is shared to group.

Oracle: Closing circle is a bit overloaded and suggests maybe having a table next to greeter

Deb: Suggests having it short as it will be 4 times

Jason: Reiterates every 4 times will be a lot, just float it by after the 2ndtime


Consent committee to continue roll out plan.

3.    Consent committee: Snack and chat

Kendall: Looking for approval to get a few snacks and meet & greet with consent committee. Will facilitate a light discussion about experience with new process and boundaries

Involved people: Diedre, Clohe, Neil, Kendall

Date: June 23rd(tentatively) 
Can share out an update during following closing circle 

To have snack and chat: Approved!
Date: June 23rd
Sheila: Feels it should be early since it will be with the momentum of the campaign
            Mellen: Wondering if there will be follow ups
            Kiara: Feels earlier would be better to go with momentum 
Deb: agrees it should be early
Oracle: Feels a lot of folks leave, concern that brining it in more during dance may be more effective
Steve: Feels the education part is important. Wondering how this will be done.
Martin: Wants to clarify what he’s saying that he believes in freedom of how PCD works and capacity for self-education.
Kendall: Education about contact dance and making dance safer. This isn’t part of consent, but it is related. This will be explored in the future.

Money: $60 

Deb: In summary, let’s plan for it, more definition in next Meraki


Approved snack and chat in June 
Approve that we might have fall meeting
Approve that more definition will come during June Meraki meeting

4.    Spring Retreat

Tasha: Update: 2 cancellations, 2 spots open
Will use our PCD equipment because the DJ space is very high 
Residential retreat only, holding container of retreat

Deb: Suggests if this comes up again next year it can be discussed more
Don: Was person who didn’t want to spend the night
Tasha: If legit reason, someone doesn’t have to spend the night

5.    Restorative Justice 

Diedre: reread proposal

Proposal is to have a training (2 parts)
Consent committee would like to find youth, people of color, LGBTQ folks who would like to participate for $10 each and PCD cover the rest


Deidre: There was previous resistance against needing something so formal. This doesn’t mean we’d implement each time something arises. Want to support culture where people can find healing.
Kendall: Would like to move forward with training to add tools for us, and the folks attending can bring back ideas for how to integrate. Believes this will allow for a container around this conversations.

Proposal is more about doing training vs. adopting into culture 

Max for 2 workshops is $500 total

If 10 people attend, $300 total.

6 seats for consent committee folks to join
+ other people

Martin: Wondering if PCD should be making departure for policy which is that we don’t fund outside experts. Believes in RJ but doesn’t want to be part of training. Wondering why PCD should be getting involved in process that doesn’t have anything to do with dance outside of offensive or violence is happening. Feels we should see how heartful no, bracelet works first before we move forward with RJ? 

Steve: RJ upon research is a system that is related to criminal behavior, and he recognizes this is used in schools too. Doesn’t know about perceived infractions and if these constitute RJ education. Seems like it could be punitive shaming. 

Deb: There were 2 things that seemed criminal to her that she saw happen. It would have been helpful if many people would hold this experience.

Diedre: Not punitive or shameful, basis is to not be a shaming practice. This process is used widely in many organizations. Doesn’t feel it has to do with criminality.

Deb: Precedent is that we don’t take on these types of resources

Sheila: Read from notes in 2015 that we agreed to take on teachings if they relate to safe space that are brought up to Meraki
Kiara: Feels being proactive and preventative is fundamental for PCD and doesn’t want this to be restricting either. 

Don: Feels we need to be careful with the perception that’s sent and agrees. Worries that some people might be taking advantage of the process. This may be over remedy and increase sense of grievance.

Jason: Feels all points are valid. Is this a move that’s coming down to value of safety? Idea: Where is the allegiance to the org for this training?

Deb and Sheila: Propose to Kendall and Diedre come back next time and give a role play of how this might integrate in the future

Sheila: Feels it’s been valuable to have people with different skill sets and it would be ideal to make sure that’s distributed evenly throughout folks.

Consent committee to update the  proposal and this topics will be discussed in future meeting(s).

6.    Accepting credit card payments - Kiara

a.     Explore cash to card payments 
                                               i.     Streamline money coming in goes to bank account
                                             ii.     Paying folks electronically 

Most folks agree it’s worth looking in to!

Kiara will do research and eventually create proposal

7.    Meeting frequency - Oracle

Feels we might have quarterly meetings after dance instead of monthly.
Deb: Suggests will be brought back up in fall 

8.    Evaluation 

 Jason: Interesting to watch new perspectives come up, many solid points were brought up. Productive
Oracle: It’s important to speak to proposal and felt we lost some energy.
Mellen: Discussions are complex and topics sometimes range. We’ve had heavy topics the last few months.
Tasha: Hasn’t been in a while and curious how new process goes.. feels it was productive. Loves vibe checker and beginning ingathering. Outstanding facilitation. Felt there was a lot of time talking about process.
Martin: Doesn’t want to obstruct process. Believes how we decide things are sometimes more important than what we decide. Feels good that process is slowed down.
Kendall: Appreciates obstructions and slowing down. Appreciates Deb’s facilitation during consent committee update.
Kiara: Happy to be here. Plays with investment vs. attachment. 
Diedre: Sometimes frustrated w. process. Appreciates commitment. Wondering our commitment for going deeper.
Steve: Feels freedom is important and enjoys that about dance. Appreciates everyone here.
Sheila: Things meeting has felt the best. Enjoyed the time flow and structure of facilitation 

Draft topics for next agenda:
1.     13+ age discussion of age at dance
  1. Container, maybe next time
  2. Continue Restorative Justice
  3. Consent committee: Snack and Chat Continued 
5.     Survey for PCD members
6.     Ingathering - done