Thursday, April 30, 2015

Meeting Minutes from our April 6 Meeting

Dave officiating
Eva note taking
Sound Systems decided for retreat.  Mid coast area sound system will set up plus $500.  After discussing pro’s and con’s we decided to go with mid coast folks who will set up sound system.  

Saturday night dance during the retreat.  Sending e-mail to everyone as invite.  Wayne earned Meraki Points for reading notes.  $10 dance fee Saturday night.  Dance will be broadcast to Portland Community if Amy Moffet or Carey want to let there community know it’s OK.  

Spoke about safety issues at the retreat center.  
Final e-mail what to bring and rules specifically explained etc.  

Wiz will be on Safety at retreat.  We will get first aid kit at retreat.  

Deb brought DJ concerns and wonders to Meraki.
Neil expressed concern of not enough silence at dances end.  Do we want to lengthen dance time?  We will put this agenda on another night.

Newbie suggestion: Wayne brought concern of Dance de-brief for new folks after dance.
Community building how do we include new folks is an ongoing discussion.  
Dance debrief after dance.  Perhaps optional meeting for new people. 
Debriefing committee after closing circle. Eva will co-ordinate.

Membership list needs to be accurate.  Quarum needs to be pinned down.  Julie and Liz taking over membership list.  Liz spoke about her management of the list.  Question about what members do.  Folks can opt out of Meraki notes. List of regular attendes.   Small break out meeting about meeting after Meraki about membership.

Sunday Morning safety:  Wiz was supose to do a safety card. 
Specific safety concerns feel managed well.

Financial: John says we have $. 

Family dance on one Sat. morning a month?  
Neil will head this committee. Plenty of Dj’s available to do a family dance. 

Suggestion box. Chloe: Request for live music found in the box.  
No live music Sunday morning.

Empower people to experiment with alternative dance?   Do we want include more than Sunday morning?  Insurance and financial risks for that. 
Bigger question are we good with more?  

Summer event may have live music: Book Fort Williams.  Deb, Chloe and Diane.

John is saying to try one extra-curicular dance and see what happens.  
Chloe feel the energy is available. 

1)Live music 
2)Some Structured
3)Evening event 

Dave concerned about keeping PCD brand clean.  

What workshops will be umbrelled under PCD auspice.  
Workshops to help folks learn the lay of the land and ropes.  

Bring proposals for different Dance events  and we’ll discuss it. 
Need to pick next meeting and next location.
Men’s dance circle on next agenda. 

May 4th   7p.m.  Eva’s house. 46 C Street,  South Portland, 04106