Saturday, January 29, 2022

Meraki Meeting Notes 1/4/2022; Next Meetings: Feb 15, Mar 15

Meraki (Steering Committee) Notes for January 4, 2022

Meeting started at 7PM and was conducted on Zoom.


Kari, John, Mellen, Blair, Rudy, Lori, Andrew, Deb (Facilitator 1), Jason, Lindy (Facilitator 2), Sunshine, Shelagh, Marion, Lilly


  1. Choose roles
  2. Ingathering
  3. Review last meeting notes - John
  4. When Can We Dance committee report - Rudy
  5. Ketcha update - Kari
  6. DJ juice update - Mellen (tabled)
  7. Donations - John
  8. How we Roll - John (tabled)
  9. Evaluation
  10. Plan future meetings
  11. Outgathering


Initial facilitation was by Deb.

When Can We Dance (WCWD) (Rudy)

Rudy reported that the WCWD committee, with expanded participation, had a robust meeting on Dec 9, 2021 (notes).

We discussed 4 possible scenarios covered by the committee, and Rudy gave a Covid update. The 4 scenarios:

  1. No, we can't dance.
  2. Yes, we can dance, but with restrictions
  3. Yes, we can dance, with no restrictions
  4. Yes, we can dance, alternating with restrictions and no restrictions
The Covid 19 update:

  • Omicron has changed the landscape - it is more highly infectious, and concentrated more in the upper respiratory tract.
  • Reported case numbers are an undercount, as rapid test results are not reported
  • Omicron appears to confer greater immunity
  • Its surge is likely to come and go fairly quickly
  • Cloth masks are not nearly as effective as surgical, or N95/KN95 masks


  •    Don't come to dance with symptoms
  •    Indoor and outdoor, with outdoor less restrictive
  •    Indoor: vaccination and masks required
  •    Sign: Contact allowed with consent
  •    Keep windows open for good ventilation
Rudy expressed that as there are other dance groups dancing with fewer restrictions, PCD can offer a safer indoor choice with more restrictions.

  • Several participants expressed that dancing outdoors in winter has been great in other groups
  • Suggestion: continue as we have done, outdoors, until further notice
  • Maine CDC guidance has not been keeping up with the virus
  • Can we use the portable speaker outdoors to have a both/and option: Indoor dance with restrictions, and outdoors with less restrictions
  • WCWD dance could meet before next Meraki (Feb 15) to fine-tune recommendations
  • Sunshine: Should we wear masks outdoors? Blair: each can continue with personal responsibility and risk tolerance. Others affirmed.

Adopt the WCWD committee's proposal "in principle" to dance indoors with the restrictions mentioned above in "Recommendations", with an outdoor option using the portable speaker with no restrictions. "In principle" means subject to further updates and modifications to be determined by the committee as conditions and CDC guidance warrant.

This proposal was adopted with unanimous agreement.

(Deb had to leave, and Lindy agreed to facilitate.)

Ketch update (Kari & Lori) 

Ketcha continues to be agreeable to work with. Regarding plowing, they'll try to get the timing of plowing more specific so we don't have to worry about an unplowed parking lot before dance.

(Post-meeting update: Ketcha said the equipment storage situation has changed, and they'll no longer be able to store our equipment in Thea's office. If we want, we could build or purchase a storage locker to keep under the overhang of their side doorway. We're discussing options.)

Donations (John)

  • Our balance has been slowly declining
  • We now accept Venmo: @pcdance and by a QR code posted at the greeter's table
  • Remind people we need to cover our costs by donations
  • Lilly: the per-person average has been pretty good
  • We'll remind folks by MailChimp announcements, at closing circle, and by just getting the word out informally.

DJ juice (Mellen)

  • DJs not wanting to do it outside in the cold
  • Software changed for most DJs (Spotify no longer an option for many)
  • Need to schedule meeting (Mellen to discuss with Deb)
  • Shelagh: Do we have the required equipment for outdoor equipment? John: Yes, connectors on the way to connect mixer to outdoor speaker on a chair

Evaluation (chorus)

Members evaluated their experience during the meeting.

Next meetings

Feb 15, Mar 15 7-9PM, on Zoom


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