Tuesday, October 23, 2018


Just wanted to chime in about the retreat search. We have located a place that seems VERY viable, just getting the details in place now to present to Meraki.
It's Ferry Beach in Saco. I visited it with Julie Bowman from 5Rythms for their Holy Actor event and Deirdre from PCD and Holy Actor, and the consensus is very positive. Will say more when all facts are gathered but will say now that the dance floor is amazing! And they have their own sound system, which Deirdre has deemed to be very workable. MANY music and dance events happen there, so they're well-prepared for this.
Also, the previous Retreat Committee is having good luck finding replacements for each of their roles! Folks have stepped up and will work with us to learn theropes of each different task. Our goal is to slip away slowly and let the new committee take over, as we believe that it's a good thing to make space for others to do some work. I'm still the point person, for now, and will provide all information as it becomes available.  

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