Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Meraki - April 11, 2017


Kiara, Dave G, Liberty, Blair, Mellen, Eva, Andy, Marin, Pika, Liz, John, Neil, Chloƫ, Shelagh (facilitator)

Establishing Norms:
Shelagh began the meeting by establishing that we take turns to talk and that the facilitator will track who wants to speak.  We make decisions "loosely by consensus."

Financail oversight process review
Anual calendar
Spring Retreat Update
Finance Report
Family Dance
Potluck - new signs and partnering
Thrusday Night Update
Request for live music
Booking the next potluck
DJ agendas
Sound System management at Avant
The Experience of New people

Spring Retreat:
Looks like the spring retreat is not happening at Wavus.  We have only 9 enrolled (need 30) and we don't have DJs.  Plan: Diane is going to investigate moving the retreat to Snowbird Lodge.  Facts about Snowbird: ~ $1400 for the whole group; Snowbird is in Harrison (70 minutes from Portland); Snowbird has 12 bedrooms which means up to 24 people if we have enough couple for the double beds; Deposit at Wavus will be held for our next retreat.  Meraki gave a thumbs up to letting Diane pursue the retreat at Snowbird -  and make it happen as she sees fit.

The group was curious about why the attendance was so low, and why DJs were not interested in supporting the dance.   Chloe shared that her experience was that it was frustrating to have so few people dancing, that instead people tended toward the cuddle pile.

The group decided to conduct a survey which could include:

  • considering fewer dances (which might increase dance participation)
  • pre-recorded sets to lower dj costs
  • retreat frequency
  • price
  • ideal group size
  • too much cuddling?
  • other programs /activities
  • would people like to have alternating retreats - ie - big at wavus and small at snowbird
Family Dance:
PCD formed a committee with Andy and Marin to explore how PCD might or might not integrate with the All-Ages Dance.  On the committee will be Neil, Chloe, Eva, Andy, and Marin.

Financial Update: 
John reminded us that how we allocate the fixed costs for PCD (insurence, taxes, etc) impacts how we might view the profitability of each dance we support.  For example, if sunday covers all fixed costs, it costs $42 per week.  If we spread it out over other events, Sunday's overhead cost is $22.

John is wondering what he should produce for reports.  He shared a pretty comprehensive report that breaks down costs and income in detail for all of our events.

We decided that we need more time to review John's report and so it may be revisted next Meraki.

Next Meeting:
Tuesday, May 9 at Location: TBA

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