Friday, May 6, 2016

Meraki, April 12, 2016

Meraki, April 12, 2016

Neil Facilitating
Members Present:

Neil S
Shelagh Reiser
Parks McKinney
Sarah Lawrie
Lindy Ost
Diane Archambault
Deb Grant
Chloe Urban
Jason Ames
Julie Vohs
Liberty Bryer
Martin Steingasser
Kari Prichard
Jimmy Prichard
Jill Eng
Eva Goetz
Liz Farmer
John Boynton
Mary Ellen DesChaine

Sound Systems - we discussed our research and did not conclude about the sound system especially considering the possibility that Mechanics Hall may be buying one.  We decide to put this on hold until we have a definite answer from Mechanics Hall.   Dave will bring at Mechanics Hall update to our next meeting.
We had deferred buying a system.
Vote: rent it – who will reserve? Neil will get info to retreat committee, Blair will call and make sure it’s done.

Safety Dance Update - tabled until next time.

DJ report: iPad and Spotify Accounts - we talked briefly about the inquiry by some DJs into a community spotify account and backup iPad.   We expressed the view that we would rather increase the payment of DJs rather than start to cover costs for things like accounts and backup computers. The issues will be returned to the DJ committee.

Ask for $175 a dance. Covers each dj’s spotify account for a quarter.
Vote Yes.

Wiz update – from Blair
Nev Natalie, eva, jimmy, kari, & Blair. Neve will go off in a couple of months
Pics have been updated.

Operations- we will have rotating opening and closing facilitators who take responsibility to make sure things are open and closed properly

Neil will remain connected re: facility contacts
Thursday nights – How wiz will coordinate is not yet clear.  Nev will become a member of mechanics. Thursday night people should take care of that.

Question of who helps people process at the end of the dance.  – 4 people, Martin, Neil, Natalie, Eva.

Biz card & announcement table.  There are varying views about how/if we should be or not be dealing w/ this.         
  table is getting crowded.
-       Brochrues, posters, flyers
Wiz talked about this!  Nev and Natalie will create a board that things can be pinned on.
-       Any conversation about parameters?
Vote: Let the wiz do this - YES

Mail Chimp email address… change our email address to
Vote – john, Maryellen, john & chloe will work out new email issues/address/protocol.

Board resolution – signers for checking account – vote – signers will be the board members – Diane, John, Julie
Vote: yes

Suggestion to make our small studio family friendly
- insurance liability
- its hard to keep it contained
- the minute you add kids to the mix, it changes the adult dancing
- changing the music to kid friendly
Vote: No kids at Sunday Dance.

reimburse John for dry mop – yes.
Vote Yes.

Simplified ongoing membership management – John – managing lists. In the past we had tor re-up everyone. Have list stay as it is, and send a message asking if you don’t want to be a member any longer, please send a message and we’ll take you off the list. 
Vote: Yes.

·      Suggestion for closing circle.

Have a 6 mo old baby while dancing –
Vote: no.

Potential prepping of a new greeter coordinator
Vote: Sarah Lawrie offering to take over.

Offer from director of bates dance festival at a reduced rate for our community

Website update – shelagh – reminder – if you owe her material for  website, please get it to her.  Problems getting info to the calendar. 

Retreat update – Diane

Committee is asking a set # of funds to offer a limited # of partial scholarships to be available after this week – offer on a lottery basis.
Amount for meraki to determine.  Give retreat committee permission to divide up depending on how many people apply.  $100 each…? 
Only 7 spots left – 2 people who have already expressed interest.
Consensus at the end of retreat committee was to offer scholarships to all so that new people as well as old.  

Counter – up to eight $100 partial scholarships – no full rides, all do not have to be allocated. Lottery based, , retreat committee will decide how many slots will be left open

Suggestion process: Suggestion process has fallen apart. How do people make suggestions now?  Request that Wiz develop a system for that happen.

Closing circle – vote – no enforced actions.

Items Carried forward –

Safety dance

Next meeting:
Martin & Judy’s
May 10
Address: 10 Willis Street, Portland (munjoy hill) 

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