Saturday, November 1, 2014

PCD Meraki Meeting 10/20/14

Met at Jill Eng's-- thanks, Jill!

Attended: John (facilitated), Mary Ellen, Xiknawi (welcome back!), Liberty, Liz (welcome!), Blair, Kellie, Jill, Parks, Chloe, Neil, Dave, Deb (meeting notes)

New Year's Eve party: reviewed that we want waves versus a dance party.  this will be a PCD dance, at Avant (vs a big party with multiple invitees who don't ).

Wiz update: Nev would like to join Wiz (operations committee) and we need new blood. Sage will cycle out.  That makes two spaces after Nev.
Deb steps forward to DJ coord and join Wiz.  One space left as of Jan. 1 as  John will need to leave at end of the year.
Voted yes to Nev and Deb
Current wiz is now John, Chloe, Neil, Blair, Nev, Deb

Chloe update, Retreat:  30ish people interested.  Jan and Feb were preferred, but March seems ok. Anticipate 20-25 people.  Idea of dance structured in thru out retreat time.  Chloe will continue to research locations.

RSVP-ing Meraki meetings: Regrets only of regulars?

Liz gets Meraki points. Like 3. For the following suggestion:

People should RSVP to the person who's hosting. That person's email goes into the body of the Meraki announcement email. If the host doesn't get a lot of emails, they could always bring that to the attention of the Meraki list.

Membership Meeting - dates - and location Avant vs. Portland Yoga Studio. Chloe asks how long meeting needs to be. Only things we need to do are elect officers, change bylaws if necessary, and maybe questions for non-Meraki people.

Decision to hold meeting at Avant on 11/16 after dance until 2:15pm. Eat first and keep meeting short.

John says that he still wants to be the Treasurer and that seems to be favorable to the Meraki.

Deb is considering stepping away from her position as Secretary. Secretary is the person who is responsible for keeping the records. Needs to attend all board meetings. Has authority over affixing the seal. Dave suggests that he will take it on if nobody else steps up, as he is in the best position to ask Deb for help.

We need to put it out to the Meraki to see if anyone else is interested in being Secretary.

Eva has yet to confirm whether or not she wants to be President again. Actually via text she says that she's interested in serving again.

Secretary is going to send out an email calling for people to be Secretary and also saying that John and Eva are interested in continuing, so we're all set with candidates for that.

Dave suggests that we really need a formal nominating process before we really have an open call for nominations.

Discussion following to establish what the purpose of Meraki continues to be? Anyone can be on Meraki. And yet the Meraki has the power. Unless they can't decide something, in which case the board can decide. The point is for the power to be in the Meraki.

What will we do at the meeting? How will we handle the election?
We'll have an explanation of the structure.
Mellen is going to put together an agenda for that meeting and recruit people to help her if it's necessary. Dave is going to help with fun.
Voting will be "all in favor" "all opposed" - voice vote?

Chloe proposes that we use some of our $ to get food for the meeting - why not do something nice for the members? Chloe says she will help figure it out.

Neil will add an announcement about the membership meeting to the PCD emails.

Members can sign up day of meeting even if they do.

John is going to import the membership list into an authoritative Mailchimp "membership" list. Dave/Blair will get that list to John. Deb proposes that we back up the list in Google Docs.

Choosing next date: December 1 at Jill's house - 7pm
39 North Street, Portland
between Quebec and Cumberland on Munjoy Hill

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