Wednesday, May 16, 2018

DATE:  May 8, 2018

LOCATION:  Ballroom Dance Portland

ATTENDEES:  Judy, Martin, John, Marin, Lindy, Oracle, Nicole, Nev, Jason, Pika


    • Sound system
    • Finance report/Reporting frequency
    • Marin’s agenda 
    • Meraki meeting structure and schedule

Nev voiced concern about the speakers being used for Thursday night dance at Jason’s studio It is a disincentive for her to continue to DJ unless it’s resolved. The speakers are not adequate for PCD’s use (meant for ambient sound) continue to have technical problems (lower quality) and contribute to a less than optimal dance/music/DJ experience.

This has been an issue previously.  John gave some history about past discussions of sound systems for theThursday and Sunday dances. PCD formed a “sound system committee” to look at transportable sound system in a price range of around $4K.  Dave, Neil, John were part of that committee. At the time, it was determined that we did not need it and it was put on hold. The prior sound committee looked at a stand-alone system with 2 subwoofers and 2 tall tower (Bose), mixer and cables. More recently, John and Pika have had some preliminary discussions about sound systems.

The discussion then turned to whether or not we needed just speakers or a sound system. Considerations as to the type, size, cost, features and the storage needs of a system were discussed. A system could be used for Thursday and Sunday dance as well as other PCD sponsored events like retreats.  Rental costs for past retreats have ranged from $50-$250.

Jason would need to know the size of any proposed system to determine if there is adequate/appropriate storage space at his studio. If it is stored at his studio it would not be used for anyone but PCD.

John said there could be consideration of payment of a fee for storage.


  • Marin said she could live with the speakers as they are for the 5/13, All Ages Dance 
  • Jason would look into repair/parts and/or speaker replacement (equivalent cost) in short term and let PCD know the cost. He will do before Sunday, 5/13.
  • Pika will use his mixer and Neil’s speakers for the May Thursday night dance
  • Oracle said to keep in mind, Thursday night doesn’t have a budget to rent Neil’s equipment. 
  • Both Pika and John have back-up PA systems if needed.


New Sound System Committee:  Nev, Pika, John, Jason, Mark (?), Neil (?) DJs (?). They will research systems in the $4-5K price range that would be best suited to size and needs of PCD venues/events.

The impact of the large expenditure and PCD’s safety cushion was discussed.  John indicated that income from the retreat will help and the overall trend is upward. Before the purchase of a system, the PCD finance committee will be informed of the budget for the purchase.

VOTE:  To allow the PCD Sound Committee to research, select and purchase a sound system costing up to $5K by June 1st.  The finance committee will be advised before the purchase is made.


John has traditionally prepared a finance report for each Meraki meeting and proposes to change it to quarterly.

VOTE:  To change financial reporting to a quarterly schedule.

INTERLUDE - Lindy made a suggestion. She recently heard a presenter at a workshop talk about how “we hear through our whole bodies” and how the presenter, in her couple therapy practice, asked partners to sing together as a way to bring them back into resonance with each other.  With this mind, those present at Meraki danced for 4 minutes to Supertramp’s “Logical Song”.


-Reconnect with perspective and curiosity (from the 10,000 foot view)
-Flesh out vision of PCD and Meraki we began last meeting (how is this phenomenal dance we witness from the air stewarded?)
-Begin translation into "Why"? (Who/What/Where/When)
-Next steps (and transition out of Marin as facilitator)

Marin has facilitated the January/February and April Meraki meetings and does not want to continue as facilitator nor does she recommend PCD continue on a “process path”.  However, she noticed that with this meeting PCD dispensed with reading the mission statement and taking time to check-in, especially for welcoming new attendees and how it felt very different from the last few meetings to her.

There was a thoughtful discussion about balancing the needs of conducting routine business (like the example of the sound system) with the actual experience or felt quality of the meeting. Balancing these requires an imagination and tolerance from each of us, going beyond our comfort level, trusting, being honest and respectful if we disagree etc. 

Martin said he was very appreciative of the way Marin was able to let go of the agenda she’d prepared and modeled, for him, an imaginative way of responding tonight. He said  it challenges and clarifies for him that he needs to find, new and better parts of himself when confronted with things he doesn’t care for.

Several people voiced that Meraki is not separate from dance. PCD has been careful and thoughtful about its rules for the dance floor which can be serve as guidelines for the way we hold discussions. We should approach meetings the way we approach the dance floor;  it’s about our approach and our INTENTION (our perceptions and experiences vary widely but we can agree on an intention). Meraki meetings have ebbed and flowed, come “full circle” as Lindy described (from energetic, unstructured to too much “container”).  Nothing stays the same; there needs to be room for growth and change. Marin’s facilitation and exercises helped some to be better prepared and open to change. 

Marin introduced the idea of modeling meetings similar to a natural phenomena  ~ a wave.  Similar to our music programs, which include quiet (intention setting) listening, common expectations, communion with others etc. How to keep the way we relate physically in the dance, as it morphs into “discussion”.

Pike said meetings are the work we do to sustain dance; he thinks of it like “….a gathering around a fire.”

Some ideas to consider for future Meraki meetings;
  • Set an agenda beforehand (members would know ahead what topics would be discussed and there would still be room to add items)
  • Take more time in the beginning (before jumping right in…) and with closure. Keeping in mind not everyone is comfortable with “ceremony”
  • Have meetings after dance (people would bring own lunches)

Oracle said that the new meeting rules/procedures committee is researching models and will report it’s findings at the next Meraki meeting.


TBD - John will check with Ballroom Dance Portland to see what dates are available for Sundays in June to have a meeting after dance.  We will also look at the PCD  annual calendar to see what items need to be on the June agenda.