Minutes for 1/28/14 meeting
But First: Mark your calendars!! Our next meeting will take placeTuesday Feb 11, @ Julie’s house, 29 Wilson Street in Portland. Julie Vohs- 879-2279
John ran tonight’s meeting
Deb took notes and kept time
Parks hosted at her place. Thank you, Parks. Our consummate hostess impressed many by her ability to produce a chorus of Meow’s just by walking across the living room and kitchen.
Present: Parks, Julie, Deb, Xik, Jim, Mellen, Diane, Kellie, Don, Blair, Cherie, John, Eva, Traca, and I sure hope I didn't miss anyone!
Agenda items in bold. Discussions/actions/decisions follow.
Next meeting: Tuesday Feb 11, @ Julie’s house, 29 Wilson Street in Portland. Julie Vohs- 879-2279
Newbie package: Deb, Julie, Eva, Blair subcommittee is finishing up. Mellen, Xik will review the final doc for feedback before we print. This is for newcomers to read when they arrive at PCD.
Directory of names: Don will send out request and compile list of Meraki numbers/emails so it’s easier to contact one another.
Rideshare board: Julie: It’s difficult for some people to get to Avant. Mellen: FB doc? Not accessible to all....blog? could work. Don will look into creating that.
Review incident w/ injury: After our experience with a dancer having an injury, we made a first aid kit list and discussed procedures. Diane volunteered to purchase items. Blair and Xik are making recommendations for kit. What about triage? Blair and Xik will develop a simple protocol/triage plan. Eva will ask at closing circle for a “doctor in the house?” list. This is a list of health care/healer types who are willing to step forward to triage or help out in case of a health issue or medical emergency. This is distinct from providing treatment, which no one is being asked to do. Parks suggested that we have a private space or screen to help with privacy.
Dave Grant’s info (via Deb) about dance space-- The public schools cannot accept a group without liability insurance. This is a reminder of the need for incorporation asap. Question of where to dance in the 2 weekends of Feb/March when Avant isn’t available. This is a Wiz issue to be resolved so no Meraki action or discussion is needed.
Marketing-Xik comment-would be nice to have business card sized PCD info. Xik and Jim will look into this once we have our website up.
DJ mtg-- topic preview-- opinions to bring to DJ mtg. which takes place this Sunday after dance. Meraki entrusts DJ’s to discuss what is needed and bring back to Meraki. Xiknawi pointed out the female heavy DJship and DJ’s heard him and will bring into mtg. Also DJ’s unintentially haven’t followed up with dancers who expressed a desire to DJ who would be new(ish) to DJ’ing. DJ’s will bring to their mtg.
Incorporation Discussion and Decisions:
Reminder about why this is important: We have to have bylaws in order to incorporate and we have to incorporate in order to have limitations of liability and liability insurance as well as tax clarity/clear structure and responsibility.
John and Mellen reviewed Options A, B & C (as seen in previous email summarizing these options). Priority is to have structure as open as possible so that once bylaws are established they needn’t be changed frequently.
Meraki voted agreement to eliminate option A. Don abstained, saying that his concern is that the organization is going to get unwieldy/complicated in a way that outweighs the purpose of the board (to dance on Sundays). Later Don voted to eliminate A!!!! Whoohooo!!
Mellen proposed Option B.
Membership would have the power.
President, Sec’y, Treasurer are I.D.’ed as the board.
President, Sec’y, Treasurer are automatically a part of the Wiz.
6 mo later, new prez and secy, who are now the board and part of the wiz.
Prez/Sec’y/Treas can be elected or appointed.
Operationally we can change the wiz (#’s, term length) as needed because the details of the operation of the wiz wouldn’t be in the bylaws.
Articles of incorp can say something very simple to define membership, like, ‘you pay dues and the organization goes by one person--one vote’ (but in legal-ese). Membership and how members participate doesn’t have to be complicated or cumbersome and can reflect needs of PCD.
John proposed Option C.
Large board, no formal membership. Without membership, the board has the power, the organization is board driven.
Reflects how we have already been functioning.
Board would be of changing (larger- 8-25) size to meet the size of those willing to serve or what’s needed.
Community spirit of the dance would be resting with the board.
Officers would be appointed/selected/elected. They could be on wiz or not.
Simplicity of not having to follow member rules because no members. A quorum would be necessary to make decisions but wouldn’t involve members as a larger voting body because there is no membership in this model.
Initial board would set up how the board is determined, etc.
Clarification questions and discussion.
Key points: which of the options ensure the following 3 essentials?
inclusivity/involvement of community members (so that everybody has the opportunity to be involved)
work not overloading people
power/decisions not being concentrated in a few hands
Voting for Membership/Option B OR No Membership/Option C:
We agreed we’d accept 3/4 of today’s group voting for membership as a YES decision. 3/4 voted YES in favor of membership; 3 ppl voted MAYBE although they are not anti-membership; 0 people voted NO.
Decision is to go for Membership (option B)
Incorporation committee will proceed by taking option B to a lawyer. Thank you incorporation committee!!! Additional appreciation to Mellen and John for their painstaking work at tonight’s meeting to walk us through the structure options.
(Did you get this in your calendar yet??? Next meeting: Tuesday Feb 11, @ Julie’s house, 29 Wilson Street in Portland. Julie Vohs- 879-2279)
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