PCD Organizational Meeting - 10/29/2013
- $330 current balance. Weekly expenses: $100 rent; $60-80 DJ stipend.
- Don will move financial spreadsheet to the PCD Google Drive account for all to see if desired.
- consensus, Avant is “awesome”,
- Dave/Kellie to check on Ocean Ave school as a back-up location for when Avant is booked.
- Traca will make a sign to remind everyone of quiet on the dance floor and respectful quiet in the entrance/lounge area.
- General agreement that people like the sense of the dance space feeling closed off/sacred and we’ll keep working on ideas to imbue that feeling in the new space.
- There still seems to be interest in finding a permanent location closer to in-town Portland.
- Julie Vohs coordinating.
- Don to include call for greeters for specific Sundays on the weekly Mail Chimp notice; reiterate the incentive of 2 free classes.
- Julie will make a list of greeter duties.
- Mary Ellen will make a “please pay the DJ sign” for late comers.
DJ Meeting Follow-up: Report from open meeting after dance on Sunday 10/24.
- Generally attendees like how dance is going. Comments supported the creative process by DJs with some formatting but also freedom. Less emphasis on “creating” an ecstatic state; everyone is responsible for their own experience during the dance. DJ group will schedule a meeting soon (existing DJs only) to further explore music sets and structure.
- Concern re: too many DJs if everyone who wants to DJ is allowed.
- Several ideas tossed out for DJs to consider—have guest DJs for those who want the experience but are not on permanent roster;
- experimental Sunday where format is thrown out and others can DJ.
- Mary Ellen will set up the DJ meeting.
- Each DJ to make their own FB event for their DJ date; Deb & Kellie will make a FB event invite for next 2 Sundays & ask everyone to send out to their FB friends to invite them to dance.
- DJs can switch from PCD admin to their own FB name and send out to their friend lists.
- Suggested that DJs create feedback opportunities to get regular input from the community of dancers about the music.
FB WTF: In response to recent Facebook postings from EDME, group simply re-iterated its support for the community sponsored dance we are creating.
Communication: Advertising/publicity to a wider community?
- deferred to the “general structure” discussion, upcoming at next meeting. What kind of publicity, where, who do we want to attract to dance?
- Neil is checking out maximum capacity of Avant.
- Group OK’d $98 per year for web hosting. Chloe to design site; Don to assist w/ content.
- Don to add email sign up to FB page/this will also be on the web once it is designed.
Overall Structure of PCD:
- group will start this conversation on Nov 4. How will we do what we do for the long term? Invite all current people on planning group list, but stress not for drop ins—striving to have a consistent group of people commit to at least 3 two-hour meetings so we can have a structure idea in place by January. Group will propose structural idea(s) for larger community to respond to. Legal business structure (LLC etc.) is integral to this conversation as it may dictate certain legalities in how we set up our day to day operations. Neil is exploring structural options with his attorney for group’s consideration. Don to send email invite to the approx. 25 names on the planning email list; all welcome but stress if it is their first meeting to talk to someone to get up to speed first. Don’t want to spend time bringing people up to date.
New Year’s Eve Dance:
- There is interest; Bhakti is booked; Avant costs $1200. Julie will explore another site. Subcommittee to plan NY’s dance: Traca, Julie, Neil, Ken (lighting)
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