Meeting: April 16, 2024 7 - 9 Tasha's house 52 Bellaire Rd, South Portland
Present: John (Facilitator), Jamie (Ingathering), Cory (Vibe Checker), Blair (Timer), Tasha (Notes) Nate, Mellen, Kari, Rebecca, Lily, Jimmie, Shelagh, Sunshine
How We Roll
- Call for volunteers for roles
- Ingathering
- Summarize how we roll
- Summarize previous meeting
- Read draft agenda
- Assign times
- Agenda items
- Schedule next meeting
- Evaluation
- How We Roll update proposal - John
- Responsibility of monitoring volume during dance - Kari
- Subwoofer update - Mellen
- Capacity Update - Mellen
- Weekly dances
- Email announcements
- Where can we dance update
- What next?
- Wiz Updates - Rebecca
- Formalized flow chart, RE-FLOW: Re-establishing Equilibrium For Lightening of Weight, to help WIZ address dancers' concerns around safety and discomfort (please review before Meraki)
- New efforts to increase presence more visibly in the community
- Other pro-active and educational strategies
- Photography on the dance floor
- New members
- Meraki Participation - Shelagh
- Updates
- Consider different days and times
- Should we consider some form of representation?
- Retreat update - Lily
- Pride Parade - Lily
- Long-Term Planning Retreat - Tasha TABLED
How We Roll Update - John 10 min
John: We've eliminated the strong connection with formal consensus process. It's more of an inspiration.
Mellen: Evaluation takes a lot of time. How valuable is that information?
Rebecca: I like it. It speaks to the emotional undercurrent that connects us all in some way that honors that.
Blair: I like it. It's a glue, a reference of our good nature. It's of value when there's any tension. The value is worth the time.
Kari: Sometimes it takes a bit too much time. It does have an important purpose. Maybe it could be monitored.
Shelagh: Really important. It's like asking the importance of dance. It aligns with our mission of who we are.
Nate: The description of Evaluation could be updated in How We Roll document to be more reflective of what it's for.
Jamie: Maybe we could come up with a word.
Kari: Noted that it's just the word "discussion" that has to be changed.
John: Propose working up changes to the Evaluation for a later meeting and vote on the changes in the proposal.
VOTE: Passed
Responsibility for Monitoring Volume During Dance - Kari 10 min
Kari: There was a meeting where DJs decided what the volume level should be, and DJs are the only people who could approach the table and ask to lower the volume. It's not the WIZ's job to monitor the volume. It's the DJs job.
Mellen: She talks to each DJ each Sunday. Last Sunday was better. Over 85 db sustained is too loud.
Blair: It's not a WIZ job, so is it something that needs to be addressed outside of dance with a particular DJ. We don't have a process now.
Lily: Is the process written down? It's a bit murky as it is. Would like to see the policy written down and disbursed to the DJs.
Mellen: She will bring it up again with the DJs.
Kari: Even if you don't feel the sound is too loud, it still can be too loud. It's about hearing safety.
Cory: Have DJs been talked to about it in a caring way about this issue?
Mellen: Yes.
John: Mark's volume on Sunday was much better than in the past.
Jimmie: Mark has ear issues so he's more aware. Pika's set at the retreat was below the level as well.
Lily: At the retreat, she had a conversation with a couple of DJs that were very caring and informative about volume.
Kari: After a conversation with a DJ at the retreat, she realized it's hard to monitor the sound along with everything else they're doing.
Mellen: We need to continue to reinforce it with all the DJs. And the DJs who have been loudest have been doing better.
Shelagh: What's the process for addressing volume that's too high at dance? At the retreat, there was a dance where monitor was over 90 for a long time. So what do I do?
Blair: We can always give feedback after dance on the feedback form.
John: Can we ask DJs to come up with a process for addressing high volume at dance?
Mellen: Current process is to find a DJ during dance and ask them to go up to the DJ. She will bring it up with DJs again.
Blair: Can we announce at circle that there's a DJ feedback form?
John: He will announce the DJ feedback form at circle.
Subwoofer updates - Mellen 5 min
John: He created a platform for the subwoofer that he'll bring to dance next time.
Blair: Should we have an insulated pad? Are we taking the platform to and from storage?
John: Yes, and it's bulky.
Mellen: When subwoofer is on the floor, the sound is imbalanced, so it's recommended to get it off the floor. Let's try the platform John built and see how it works.
Cory: So we won't bring the pallets that are on the floor of the storage unit. :)
Capacity Update - Mellen 15 min
Mellen: Last Sunday wasn't as crowded. It was a nice day. Not sending emails seems to be having some effect. We're still in DJ training mode. Things are slow. We have 4 DJs putting together playlists. Mentor DJs are hard to pin down because people are busy and it takes a lot of time. Having more people move equipment helps.
Kari: Where can we dance committee has one more site to look at next week.
Shelagh: We haven't been not sending emails for long enough to know if it's having an effect. I still don't like it. We've been looking at spaces for a while and wondering if there's something you need in terms of support, suggestions?
Mellen: We've looked at 62 space and they all have some kind of issue. Size, complications around renting, cost, etc. We're open to considering new space so see us if you have a new idea.
Tasha: I'm an advocate for leasing a space.
Nate: The solution to overcapacity is not to discourage people from coming.
Tasha: I'd like to bring up the idea of sending out the email messages again.
John: Let's take it up at next Meraki.
WIZ Updates - Rebecca 15 min
Rebecca: Current members: Rebecca, Blair, Kari, Jimmie, Lily, Tim, Lori. We have 2 new members: Emily and Brian!!!
We're going to be more visible and present by adding back the poster with pictures. We're going to add a bi-line that says we're available. We're going to stand up at circle. We're going to have 2 people up at the stage for easy access after dance.
John: Even if no-one comes, I think you should still be there.
Rebecca: We're going to consolidate our intentions around dance and print something to hand out for new dancers around physical or emotional safety. A baby, blood, a dog! Come to the WIZ to help sort it out.
We formalized our process for handing safety issues. When is it something we deal with and when it's not? RE-FLOW. Did it occur on the dancefloor or outside? Does it affect physical and/or emotional safety or discomfort? We got feedback from a dancer on the process and it was a positive outcome.
Blair: We're going to bring up concerns such as no taking pictures, which came up recently.
John: Thank you for the new energy in addressing these issues.
Rebecca: When someone speaks to us it will be confidential within the WIZ. If someone has a concern, it must be the person who approaches us, not hearsay, which is important.
Kari: Really proud of WIZ for accomplishing this. We're going to put together live skits at closing circle to role model some issues. One question still remains. How do we make ourselves more visible?
Nate: Matching eye shadow! For later, the people that need to get messages the most leave the dance before dance is over.
John: Propose that we have a warmup and then announce ground rules at a opening circle like other dance communities do.
Sunshine: Second that.
Mellen: We've discussed that before with DJs and they nixed it.
Other suggestions: WIZ T-shirts. Purple Ribbon, Tutus!
Cory: What does WIZ stand for?
John: WIZ is short for Wizengamot, comes from Harry Potter. It came from Don Norman, a founder of PCD. Along with Meraki.
Meraki Participation - Shelagh 10 min
Shelagh: After last meeting, Tasha, Jamie, and I met to talk about how to encourage more people to participate in Meraki and overall PCD participation. We discussed what participation means and whether to allow people to send a representative. Tasha is playing with Meraki email to encourage participation. We decided to announce at closing circle what goes on at Meraki and have people raise hands to show others participation. We'd like to announce agenda items for next Meraki at closing circle. We opted not to do it last week because WIZ announcements took some time.
Tasha: We also sent an email specifically inviting people who said they wanted to come on the survey.
Nate: Voices are excluded who can't make it on Tues night. It's impossible to come on a Tues night for me and probably others. I just happened to be available this week. There's only one other day where people are available and that's SUNDAY. I really think it's worth a try to have a meeting after dance. It will encourage people to show up and see what it's like to get more participation. There's a barrier to getting people to come if it's only in the evenings.
Mellen: It's worth considering.
Shelagh: We also talked about meeting on different nights. We're meeting on Monday on Zoom for next meeting. We also talked about soliciting feedback at dance like a Feedback box, which we used to have.
Mellen: We want more people who are familiar with what's going on and how we operate to become involved as leadership since many have been doing this for a long time.
John: Propose a Meraki meeting on Sunday June 9 dance and schedule it now.
Shelagh: Can we change the language to allow a stand-in representative to make a proposal?
Blair: Someone should have enough gumption to bring the idea in person. While we could allow representation, we should still encourage people to come.
John: If there's a scheduling problem, ok.
Kari: In the past we talked about alternating Tues and Thurs.
Shelagh: We will come up with a proposal for next meeting about having representation at Meraki.
Retreat report - Lily 10 min
Lily: Planned for 60, we had 60, filled some cancellations. Netted $88! Snafus with Ferry Beach.
Kudos from all!!!
Do we have a date for next year? Do we want to go to Ferry Beach again?
Lily: Most slots are already booked for next year. March or October are the only times available, so that means no camping. If you have ideas let me know.
John: We have alternatives in mind. We're soliciting for a new retreat committee.
Lily: Wants to step down as committee chair. Ferry Beach is hard to deal with, hard to pin down, surprise Sunday brunch.
Cory: Did they offer any compensation?
Lily: None.
John: They under-charged on the original invoice so we're letting that ride.
Lily: They're not holding any dates for us.
John: We paid a deposit to hold the spot this year.
Mellen: Oceanwood in Ocean Park
Nate: We're at square on again, so we need to get retreat committee together soon.
John: Who might be interested?
Interested in retreat planning for 2025: Nate, Tasha, Lily, Jamie
Lily: Let's make an announcement at closing circle asking for interest.
John: He will send out an email to members to ask about planning for next retreat.
Pride Parade - Lily 10 min
Lily: Recently the parade has been very corporate. Parade is June 15. Wanted to float the idea. Don't want ownership but want to get feedback to see if it aligns with our values of expression, joy, movement, inclusion, an expression of love!
Jimmie: Fabulous idea except it's in direct conflict with keeping numbers down. It would be great to have more inclusion.
Jamie: Great idea. It wouldn't need to be a big deal. Playing music and dancing! I will help lead it.
John: Propose that PCD approves participation.
Tasha: It costs $200.
Shelagh: As an organization, we don't align with any other dances or organizations. So is Pride an entity?
Lily: Do we ever want to align ourselves with anything?
John: We've chosen not to do that so far. But that can change.
John: He will come up with the PCD's statement and share with the group.
Cory: The intention is to be inclusive.
John: Does this fit within our restriction? Do we have energy?
Cory, Jamie, Lily, Nate: We'll bring something back for next meeting.
Long-Term Planning Retreat - Tasha 5 TABLED
- How We Roll - John et al
- Revisit Evaluation description to be more accurate
- Revisit process to see if it can be streamlined (eliminate summarizing previous minutes, eliminate assigning roles at the meeting, streamline agenda setting and time assignments)
- Capacity update
- Send out email announcements again
- Process for addressing high volume during dance - Mellen
- Announcing PCD ground rules after a warmup at dance - John?
- Pride Parade - Lily
- Retreat planning for 2025 - ???
- Meraki participation - Shelagh
- Representation proposal
- How to involve more people in leadership
- Long-term planning Retreat - Shelagh
- MONDAY May 13 on Zoom
- SUNDAY June 9 after dance
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