Meeting: January 16, 2024, 7-9 on Zoom (rescheduled from in person at Lori's house due to snow)
Present: Deb (Facilitator), Kari (Ingathering), Eva (Vibe Checker), John (Timer), Tasha (Notes), John, Mellen, Kari, Lily, Shelagh, Lori, Eva, Blair, Rebecca, Jamie, Julian, Sophie, Maiki (18)
- Survey results: Mellen 10 min
- 2024 Retreat planning update: Lily 10 min
- Retreat scholarships: Lily, John, Lori 5 min
- DJ pay update: Mellen TABLED
- DJ training update: Deb 5 min
- Waldorf sound system: Mellen 2 min
- Updates to Meraki "How We Roll": John 10 min
- How to manage future board member changes: Kari 10 min
- Request from dance: Shelagh 5 min
- Open Discussion
Survey Results
Mellen: Received 30 surveys. Goal is to find out who might be interested in helping out in various ways at dance and beyond. Mellen will send emails to people with responsibility to get support from volunteers. She will keep circulating the survey at dances.
Not much help with schlepping DJ equipment, alas.
A lot of greeter interest.
A lot of DJ interest, need to talk about with DJ committee as we now have lots of people interested.
Shelagh: Please be sensitive about sharing contact information more widely.
2024 Retreat Update
Lily: Retreat is coming up last weekend of March. Do we want to offer additional scholarships. Last year we used $500, propose $750-800.
Blair: What is the cost of the retreat? How did we give out scholarships last year?
Lily: Last year we had the whole Roland dorm available, plus camping and RVs. 180/person all inclusive for quads. More for doubles. Ferry Beach has increased prices. Proposal to increase rates by $20-30.
We said, if you're interested in a scholarship, contact us. She thinks we gave 5-6 scholarships, $50 each. We also got a couple donations for money toward scholarships.
Julian: Can we get info on the retreat? What kind of food? Can we park and sleep in cars? Lily will share info privately with him.
Shelagh: Did we set aside $ ahead of time? YES but we didn't publish amount.
Eva: Since we're having a good year financially, could we consider not raising the rate? So then we could share the wealth across the whole community.
Deb: We could offer two tiers: last year's rate and this year's rate.
Lily: Goal was that we don't want PCD to lose $ money on the retreat. Do we want to subsidize the retreat or keep it break even?
John: We have $12,000 in the bank, so doing well. We've made up for deficit during pandemic. Retreat cost $10,000. We were basically break even. He would support PCD subsidizing the retreat. We want to keep a buffer for rainy day issues.
Lily: We need to know the cost tonight!
Rebecca: What's the healthy buffer we want to have in the bank? If we drop below $7000, take action. If we go over $10,000, we would take action. We have since decided not to worry about the upper limit.
Shelagh: Likes the idea of 2-tier registration and offering subsidy.
Blair: We need to keep in mind that we might be finding a new space that will be more expensive.
Lily: Defers to financial people about offering $750 scholarship totals.
Proposal: Offer $750 in scholarships. YES
Proposal: 2-tier registration, last year's level and updated level.
John: Primary concern is about registration complexity with 2-tier system.
Blair: Break even proposal, he wants to know what that amount is.
Lily: We had 4 people cancel, we gave full refunds because we had surplus. It really depends on who registers. We could just say, let's not raise the price.
60 registrants x $28 increased cost = $1800.
Jamie: Proposes raising it by $10.
Proposal: Raise rate by $10. YES
DJ Training Update
Deb: We have one person well on her way to being trained. Several others also interested. Chole has put together an idea for training but hasn't put it out there yet.
Given the number of DJs we now have, we are about to be in a position to go WEEKLY DANCES!!!
Keiko was trained in being a DJ but she never did it, and she's expressed interest in coming back, which is great.
Julian: What does DJ training consist of?
Mellen: Own a computer, versant with software, provide own music, building of the wave, dance with us for 6 months.
Waldorf Sound System plus Moving DJ to Free Up Dance Floor
We're having conversations with Waldorf about whether we can do less equipment schlepping. That's all there is to say now.
Blair: This week we couldn't get up on the stage because they had equipment there. It's a nice dance space with so many people. Could we experiment with getting smaller speakers on the stage to encourage more dancing up there?
John: We can't really control what's on their stage, so we can't count on it.
Kari: Nev mentioned having big speakers facing the stage at the back of the room with the DJ in between the doors.
Mellen: Willing to experiment with it at the next dance when she DJs if people agree and someone would help her.
Rebecca: Likes the idea of moving the DJs to the back of the room. It would free up space on the dancefloor.
Eva: Has anyone suggested that the DJ go on the stage?
Mellen: DJs started there, but now the stage is a nice dance space when available.
Deb: If we block off entrances on either side of the door it would help DJs to hold the space.
Blair: Would like to experiment with moving speakers to the stage to optimize space for dance.
Jamie: When we move the chairs, we have to LIFT the chairs otherwise they scratch the floors.
Deb: We could use more people for set up for Jan 28 to come at 9:30. Sophie, Maiki, and Kari will also help! Kari can also call some of the volunteers.
Shelagh: Do we need to vote on this per Meraki or is it something small to try?
Mellen: It's an experiment and a Wiz decision for now. When we make it permanent, then we can vote.
Blood on the Dancefloor
Kari: We have antiseptic in the first aid kit.
<???> used water and paper towel. oooppss!!
Mellen: When we have blood, we should use disinfectant given blood born pathegens.
Lori: Alchohol would be better for floor than chlorox. Rebecca will buy.
How We Roll Updates
John: We're not really following the formal consensus process these days. He'd like to consider dropping saying that we "follow" the consensus model but rather we're "inspired" by it.
Proposal: Modify the document to remove reference to consensus process. YES
He will come back with it next time.
Tasha: What aren't we doing from consensus process?
John: Drop first sentence. Drop item 4. It's no longer the foundational document.
Deb: John will updates the document in a way that reflects how we actually roll. Then maybe gather input from others.
Board Member Changes
Kari: Table it for now. Let's address it at the next meeting.
Open Discussion
Deb: It's been a while since new people have joined us. But to have new people come who are also new to dance is very special. Propose that Julian, Maiki, Sophie check in.
Mellen: How does the size of the group affect you? What's your experience with welcoming new people?
Maiki: Marc invited him. Dance is super healing for my soul. Going to weekly dances sounds great. Grateful for making it happen. Dancing at PCD for 7-8 dances. Big group is good. The lack of pressure to do anything in particular is good, the invitation is there, which is good.
Sophie: Discovered ecstatic dance and is hooked. Gratitude for our efforts in making it happen. Lives near Farmington. Dancing with PCD 9 months. Being pulled into dancing with others is new. Appreciate the greeters, feel welcomed. It's very welcoming to ask questions at the end without pressure.
Julian: A friend introduced him to PCD. Feels very healing. Dancing at PCD about a year. Good size. Interested in hearing from us about how long we've been dancing.
We each checked in. Many 10+ years, others 9, one officer (treasurer) only 1 year.
Next meetings
- Tues Feb 13, 2024 7 PM In Person: Lori's house 111 Alba (Mardi Gras!)
- Tues Mar 12, 2024 7 PM Zoom
Tabled Topics for Next Time
- Board member changes - Kari
- DJ pay update - Mellen
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