Meraki (PCD Steering Committee) met at Mellen's home on April 11, 2023
Kari P (facilitating), Jimmie P, Shelagh R, Mellen D, John B (notes), Lori H, Blair F, Rebecca B
- 2023 Retreat updates (Retreat committee)
- Where can we dance update (Lori)
- Sound system loudness update (Kari, Jason?)
- Capacity committee updates (Kari, Jimmie?)
- In-person Hosting suggestion (Mellen)
- PCD 10th Birthday celebration
Retreat update (Retreat committee)
- Last registration day: Sunday
- John and Lily researched the sauna trailer idea with a Saco provider; after discussion Sauna trailer: vetoed due to logistics, cost, management
- People slotted for checkin, may need more
- Covid: Masks required in lunch line area
- Ask people to test beforehand
- Will ask at checkin
- Will have some tests available
- Money: We have $800ish surplus
- Received $205 in scholarship donations - Refund excess
- Mellen: spaces
- To add to email blast (after registration closes):
- Musical instruments
- Specialty activities like yoga, etc.
- Whiteboard for activities/announcements (Blair will bring)
- Don't announce availability of tests
Where can we dance?
- A group of us visited 317 Main in Yarmouth
- Beautiful space, about the size of Waldorf
- Sound check with bluetooth: subwoofer probably needed
- We're not on the same page about price (they mentioned $2-300/hour)
- Can do Waldorf ad infinitum, except for blocked out spaces
- Is Mechanics Hall a possibility? No: it's a wedding venue, frequently booked on Sundays
- Kari: Schools - only available is Westbrook
- Middle school - need to have staffer, need to make application
- Christian School:
- Bigger, storage not secure
- Not pretty - narrow walkin, dark corridor, no loungy-type space
- Big windows
- Echo a problem
- Smells like a gym
- We can do a test dance there
- Mellen to check Waynefleet school
- Add to capacity committee discussion: Do we want a space that fits 100 people?
- DJ juice still lacking. Weekly dance is pipe-dreamy
- Jimmie - what about a different standard for DJs? Pre-recorded playlist
- Beck seconds the idea
- Mellen: even so, there's tech, flow needed. It's more about how you craft a set than the equipment.
- Shelagh: We've gone way out on the DJ track
- -- break --
- Mellen: Paradigm shift in DJ land. The passion around ownership has diminished.
- We need to make room for people to not feel the way they used to about control of the set.
- John: Concerns about Urban Farm Fermentory (UFF):
- Hard, dirty cement floor
- The place is kind of run-down
- Chem-free dance is a little inconsistent with the venue, which serves beverages that contain alcohol.
- Blair/Beck: Support variety of places
- Mellen: We need majority of places with a decent, danceable wood floor. UFF not great.
- UFF held June 4 for us. Despite concerns, we plan to dance there June 4.
- Mellen: 80 dB seems to be where we want to stay. Mark was high 70s.
- Beck: 80 db was a good limit. Above that over time, can get hearing damage.
- Spot checking is hit-or-miss. Research devices that can consistently monitor with a large readout or one that is easily visible to DJ with remote sensing location.
PCD 10th Anniversary
John: October will mark the 10th anniversary of PCD's first dance as PCD. Let's do something special.
In-person Meetings
- Mellen: Please text if you're coming.
- John will publish number in announcements.
Next Meetings
- May 2 not needed for Meraki; can be for Retreat Committee
- May 23 on Zoom
- June 20 at Kari and Jimmie's
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