Participating: Kari, Jimmie, John (Notes), Rudy, Deb (Facilitating), Jason, Mellen
Spring Retreat update (Rudy)
- Rudy created a deck of slides that he shared with the group.
- Dates: May 5-7
- We'll be sharing with another group, but will attempt to get exclusive use of breakout rooms.
- Housing:
- Dorms insulated but not heated, heat rises from below
- Heated cabins available, price chart on web site
- Food: limited menu, nutritious, vegan option available
- Next steps:
- Wrestle contract to reflect what's in the slides (Rudy)
- A lot of logistics
- They did agree to do registration
- We need an active committee - Rudy wants not to be involved in organizing
Masking (Jason)
- Idea in Jason's mind: at some point we need to drop the masks
- It's not about protecting each other; we're making our own choices
- We had a round-robin of each member present sharing their feelings, which were mixed.
- Proposal:
- Make masking optional
- Revert to masking if surging, following Maine and U.S. CDC guidance
- If not feeling well, don't come to dance
- Discuss at the annual meeting
- Proposal was adopted by consensus
New Dance Venue (Lori)
- Lori shared the spreadsheet she's keeping on prospective venues with input from members.
- Cory at Maine Coast Waldorf School showed us a closet we *might* be able to use. She's using the slow drip process to encourage consideration of its use by PCD.
- We discussed the various places
- Put in the meeting notes: Be in touch with Lori and/or Mellen about possible spaces
- We can always dance at Maine Coast Waldorf School
Annual Meeting (Mellen)
- Kari volunteers for President; John and Lori to continue as Secretary and Treasurer.
- Rudy offered the possibility of serving as Vice President, but we didn't have any scope for such a role.
- Mellen will continue as Correspondence Secretary to monitor gmail account
- John to send bylaws link to Mellen and Deb
- We have the hall for the extra hour (until 2:30)
- John to publish a Save the date message. Potluck (bring your own meal kit), indoors, done before 2:30
- John to send Mellen last year's AM agenda
- Mellen and Kari comprise the Meeting Committee
Agenda for next time (November 15):
- Meet in person?
- Retreat status/progress
- Where can we dance status/progress
- Annual Meeting planning
- PCD Facebook group: how do we decide not to admit a person who requests to join? (Deb)
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