Meraki (Portland Community Dance Steering Committee) met on Tuesday, July 12, 7-9PM on Zoom.
Attending: Lori H, Deb G (facilitator), Shelagh R, Eva G, Mellen D, Rebecca B, John B (notes)
When Can We Dance (Rudy/Rebecca):
- Brief discussion of current state of the pandemic
- Proposal: Keep status quo at Sunday Dance with masks required indoors, no vaccine requirement
- Further proposed: Suspend the When Can We Dance committee
- After a brief discussion, we agreed by consensus to keep masking status quo and suspend the Can We Dance committee, with reactivation as warranted depending on circumstances.
Alternate location update:
- No movement; tabled
Equipment Road Crew update (John/Blair):
- Blair and John continue to trade off every other week, but would like to invite other custodians.
- The job entails: transporting the sound system after dance one Sunday dance, keeping it in a secure indoor location, and bringing it back early (9:30 AM) for the following Sunday dance.
- Mellen/Jason/Deb discussed possibility of acting as backup.
- John: We need to know that we can trust the custodian; perhaps rather than making an announcement, we should approach potential custodians.
- We'll continue to discuss the possibility with individual PCD members.
Spring Retreat? (Rudy)
- Rudy: If we want to use Ferry Beach, we need to know sooner than later for booking. Ferry Beach would nee: Minimum number of people, how many days, food requirements, etc.
- John volunteered to reach out to Kiara to see if she has interest in organizing, and if so, to connect with Rudy on details.
Finances (John):
- PCD's balance continues to slowly decline; we continue to need support from dancers to sustain PCD.
- Suggestion: change Suggested $10 donation to a $10 cover charge
- Eva: is it possible to donate? John: yes, by PayPal or Venmo
- Proposal: someone to run around with the cash box at the end of dance. This idea was discarded as intrusive.
- Proposal: make an announcement at closing circle that we continue to need your support with a declining buffer. John agreed to make the announcement.
- Balance of $5,693.38 continues to decline. The buffer is covering roughly $100 of the cost of each dance.
- Continue to highlight the need for support at greeting
Next meetings:
Tuesdays August 9, September 13, 7-9PM on Zoom; Link by email announcement.
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