Meraki (Portland Community Dance steering committee) met on Tuesday, April 12 2022, 7-9PM on Zoom.
Attending: Martin S., John B. (notetaker), Kiara A., Rudy G (vibe checker), Andrew P, Shelagh R (Facilitator), Deb G, Blair F, Jason A
Greeter coordinator:
- Want to have community involvement with greeting
- As Tim hasn't been at dance recently, we need a new greeter coordinator
- Thanks to Lilly for greeting
- Is she willing to pivot to the greeter coordinator?
- Suggestion to attend to it soon
- Blair volunteers to be point person, will reach out to Kari and Lilly
Ketcha update:
- Since September is unavailable to us, can we maximize dances in August and October?
- Think of alternate dance locations - table for next time?
- Ask space people to check on doubling up dates in August & October
- Perhaps we could do another special event in September?
- Possibility: Ferry Beach? Kiara volunteer to organize; Rudy expressed interest in liasing with Ferry Beach as he and they are well-acquainted.
Kids at dance:
- A situation occurred last time, where a dancer brought a young child to dance, causing multiple side discussions about how to handle it. We told her our ground rules for kids in attendance, but was she was allowed to stay anyway.
- Some felt that she should have been asked to leave
- There are good reasons for us having that boundary - the Board is liable for any mishaps.
- How did this happen? There was ignorance of the "rule" in an initial contact.
- Symptomatic of the greeter system non entirely intact.
- In defense, we're getting our bearings back.
- It happened, and reinforces the need for clear messaging.
- Wiz requested to have a meeting, and possibly recruit new members before next Sunday dance.
- Deb to check in with Mellen about age prominently displayed in messaging.
- Blair will recruit new Wiz members
- More generally, when things like that come up, how do we handle it, communicate with each other? Communication and decision-making felt clunky.
- Before Covid, we had a system to identify people to talk to in case of an issue or concern: "talk to those people", but we haven't reinstated that.
- Conclusion: Reinstate at closing circle: These are the folks to talk to.
- Revisit next time with Wiz report
Can we Dance?
- Discussed possible change in mask requirement.
- Maine has one of the best vaccination rates, and hospitalization rates are way down. Infection rate not as important because of self-testing.
- Increases with new BA.2 subvariant, causing concern. People are getting sick again.
- Proposal: change policy: masks welcome, not required for indoor dancing. A few CWD members participated in an email thread that agreed with that proposal. (But the committee did not meet together as a group.)
- Discussion about being more intentional about relaxing requirements re both masks and vaccination.
- Concern for people with underlying health issues, etc.
- Concern about alienating people.
- Counter-proposal: hold the line as we are, request CWD to meet for next Meraki
- Ambivalence felt about how to proceed.
- Conclusion: As we didn't reach consensus, the status quo remains. Request that CWD committee meet, and we'll discuss more fully next time with CWD committee input/proposal.
DJ update:
- Situation with DJs is as "sludgy as ever"; doubtful we could sustain a weekly dance.
- Setup was glitchy last Sunday for a prerecorded set played on an iPad.
- DJs to meet and report at next Meraki.
- Balance as of 3/29/22: $6721.99. Our balance continues to drop as total donations are not covering costs.
- Continue to highlight the need for support at greeting
- John to publish the 2022 Q1 Finance report soon.
Next meetings:
Tuesdays May 10 and June 14, 7-9PM on Zoom
Tentative agenda topics for May 10:
- Can We Dance update and proposal (Rudy delegate)
- Wiz report: recruiting effort, greeter coordination, "who to talk to", other items (Blair)
- September special event (Kiara, Rudy)
- Alternate location update? (Jason, Kari, Lori)
- DJ update (Mellen/Deb)
- Finances (John)
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