sorry formatting didn't keep well!!
∙ Vibe Keeper: Judy
∙ Time Keeper: Mellen
∙ Facilitator: Deb
∙ In-Gathering: Judy
Attendees: Nicole, Kendall, Steve, Deb, Martin, Diedre, Kerri, Mellen, Tasha, Lindy, Jenna, Deb, Devin
Aligned Agenda:
- Website Updates
- Spring Retreat Update
- Letter to PCD
- Snack and Chat Update (Consent Committee)
- Volume (of music) @ dance
1. Website updates – Mellen
- Lack of resource to maintain right now
- Needs to identify what features
- Wix is platform used
Kiara to follow up with Chloe to organize management
Mellen proposes to no longer need calendar: Approved
2. Age at dance discussion (13+) -Mellen
- Discussion if there is any need to protect ourselves for legal reasons for folks younger than 18
- Permission to participate forms we have now is giving legal support for coverage
- Mellen: Clarifies this is discussion around injury or contact dance style
- Tasha: Puts pressure on greeter to ask age/ID folks
- Martin: Idea to let parents know child is attending
- Keri: Where is this written in case something happens?
- Mellen: Will add to website, could have permission to participate online
- Devin: idea to add to waiver upon signature of first entrance
- Lindy: favors idea of 18+ only, if below 18 would like sponsor required (someone who is 18+)
- Nicole: Clarifying solution is signed if under 18 by parent
- Kiara: Someone under 18 is a minor and we should treat as such
- Lindly: Greeter IDing age is important
- Steve: Wondering if 13 is too young
Forms + explanation on website
Forms at greeter table, greeter can be aware and ask if needed. If no parent,
Proposal approved:
Change language if dancer between 13-18, they will need signed waiver by guardian. & Mellen to sort out details on language between sponsor and gaudian.
Will be topic @ next meeting.
3. Spring retreat update – Nicole
Went well! Will be switching out committee members
September retreat on the table
Ferry beach PCD is a member of now
- Reserve space and don’t pay yet
- Don’t need to put deposit down right away
- Nicole is interested in being put on committee
Nicole: May want to keep shorter timeframe in September.
Kendall: Recommends we Poll people and see if they are interested
Mellen: Thinks poll would be valuable
4. Letter to PCD
Don’s letter on RJ
5. Snack + Chat Update
- Update on solo bracelet and heartful no, Kendall has gotten good feedback. Some people want a bracelet about dancing
- Chloe checked if folks would be interested in snack + chat, 8-10 raised
- Snack and Chat is about starting dialog, taking opportunity to share personal experiences
- Topics:
- Why do you come to dance
- What helps you drop in
- How do you ask someone to dance?
- How do you say I’m done dancing?
Steve: Appreciates updates
Lindy: Consent committee has transformed to be community strengthening group
Deb: Good that it’s not about requests to Meraki or PCD
Devin: Brainstorming might happen, so are you strict about it or not. Wants to make sure it’s framed accurately in email announcement
Prop to approve budget for: Snack and chat - $75
- Approved
- Greeter is responsible for a great deal and hard to catch everyone when busy
- Ideal Welcomer profile: has come to many dancers
- This was done last year which worked well
Deb: Thought this could be 2 greeters instead of 2 roles. This protects against no shows.
Mellen: Clarifies 2 people would stay for 45 minutes.
Tasha: Notes there is a greeter sheet they will have which explains duties and bracelets
Maritn: Believes this is a good idea. Suggests someone needs to be more experienced to capture new folks and explain things
Diedre: Wants people who have been dancing for a while to greet
Kiara: Suggests people alternate if not busy
Keri: Needs some time to ramp up
Nicole: Structure for Greeter may need to be evaluated now as there is more consent and minor details. Thinks this needs to be continued. Add to agenda for next time. Feels it’s best to talk to Tim first. Nicole to talk to Tim.
Steve: Verbal and dance non-verbal, feels verbal opportunity is important to evaluate
Diedre: Wonders if Tim could come on skype or video chat
2 greeters is approved
Nicole to follow up with Tim
7. Volume @ dance – Lindy
- Has knowledge and background on hearing and volume’s impact on ears.
- Concerned that volume can be too loud at times during dance and that may be damaging to ears. Tried to bring up to
- Kiara: similar to lighting
- Diedre: too loud is too loud
- Keri: Let’s measure and check
- Deb: There was a measure and training but this got dropped
- DJ meetings do try to have at certain range. Are open to feedback on volume.
- Deb: system is a little hard to use with distortion
Deb will bring this topic to the next DJ meeting
- Kendall: Appreciated meeting was smaller and lighter topics
- Mellen: Staying on track with time, getting easier
- Deb: Interested in having someone else facilitate
- Tasha: Wants to get started sooner
- Keri: Glad she could make it
- Kiara: felt good to get things done. Happy with all work being put in
- Lindy: read notes and glad to be back
- Devin: Nice to be here
- Nicole: respects process and notices she breaks consensus sometimes on accident.
- Steve: liked process and happy to be welcome
Next time agenda:
- Retreat in September
- Retreat in September
- Restorative Justice
- Adding 2nd greeter
- Age follow up for minors sign off for dance
Next Meeting:
- July 16th
- Studio hopefully!
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