Thursday, November 21, 2019

Meraki Meeting Notes - November 12, 2019

Nov 12, 2019 Meraki Meeting Minutes


·      Annual Meeting, Dec 8th - Proposal for meeting format here
·      New Years Day Dance DONE
·      PCD survey (Deb via Mellen)
·      Proposal for Meraki Template Structure follow-up? TABLED
·      Facebook page – admins (Kiara)
·      Age of consent (Oracle and Mellen) TABLED
·      How do we expire committees (Oracle) 
·      Website access (Oracle)
·      Clarification about time for dance (Tasha)
·      Wiz meeting update (Kari)


Oracle, John, Kiara, Nicole, Mellen, Lindy, Tasha, Kari


Facilitator – John
Timekeeper – Lindy
Ingathering – Kari
Vibechecker – Kiara
Notestaker - Tasha

Annual meeting


Blaire agreed to be president!!
Requested support from previous presidents. 
Does he want to be off the Wiz? It’s up to him.
Kiara has spoken with someone who is interested. She will discuss the full range of responsibilities: delegating, counting money, and making deposits. Also, treasurer is a board member so is responsible for making Meraki decisions, if need be. 
John will continue in his role as bookkeeper and is willing to act as treasurer, if needed. 
Oracle is willing to be secretary. His platform is that he will train others to be secretary. ðŸ˜Š
We just need to vote in officers for the annual meeting, and roles can be delegated after the fact.

Annual meeting format

Nicole said we would provide snacks for meeting, so she’s requesting money. Meraki agreed to $200 - $300. 
Nicole, Kari, and Kiara will take on the job of getting simple snacks, finger food. 
We will go straight from dance to the meeting and provide snacks to encourage people to stay. We want as many people participating as possible. It’s not meant to be a social event. 
·      Deb will facilitate
·      Kari will be vibekeeper
·      Martin will do ingathering
·      Lindy will be timekeeper, Mellen is backup
·      We probably don’t need a stackkeeper, John will check with Deb to see if we need one
Proposal to abandon it. Not all agreed.
Proposal to take on finding regalia. Kiara and Tasha will take this on. 
Each committee will identify itself with a brief description. 
12:45 – 2:00
Who can attend?
Do you have to be a member to attend? Yes, but if someone wants to attend and isn’t a member, ask them to sign up on the spot!

Timing of dance

Wiz received several questions in the suggestion box asking when dance is officially supposed to end, including circle, because it seems like it differs depending on the DJ. 
The expected time is 10:15 – 12:15, so closing circle should be wrapped up by 12:15. 
We have the space until 12:45.
Mellen: Everyone understands this is the timing, but some DJs are being inconsistent. There’s a DJ meeting coming up so she’ll clarify this with the DJs. It should be a 1:50 minute set. 
It’s hard to get people out of the space by 12:45. 
We need to clarify at closing circle that everyone needs to leave the building by 12:45.
Mellen will add it to the weekly announcement that 12:45 is the ending time for us to leave the building. 
Wiz will announce this at closing circle. 
And if dance starts late, then dance should end at the normal time.


Oracle has tried to get stuff about Thurs dance on the website and gave up. 
Chloe is in charge of the website but it hasn’t been actively updated. 
Platform is WIX.
DJ form is broken. Maybe?
John has concern about “open access” to the website. It should only be open to a few trusted people. 
Proposal: We need a new website administrator. Kiara suggests that we have a committee of 2-3 people. 
Lindy and Nicole said they’d help getting the website committee going. Nicole will talk to Chloe about allowing others admin permission. 
We agreed that there’s no need to keep the calendar up to date. 


Kiara noticed that the PCD fanpage has postings that are not PCD. The PCD fan page should be for PCD announcements only.
There’s also a PCD groupwhere we can share non-PCD events. 
The trouble is that if you share something from the PCD group and you are an admin of the PCD fan page, then it gets shared from the fan page, which is confusing.
There seem to be a lot of admins of the PCD fan page, including a lot of DJs, and they don’t need to be. 
Mellen is responsible for posting weekly updates to the PCD fan page. 
Proposal: Narrow down the list of admins for the PCD fan page. 
Mellen will take this on and post on both groups that the PCD group is where you can post non-PCD stuff. 

Wiz update

Kari: We have meetings first Sunday of the month.
Wiz members: Blaire, Tim, Jimmy, Kari, Tasha
We have a new member: Lori Hartley.
The bathroom signs need to come down at the end of dance. The Wiz has agreed to take them down. The signs go into the greeter bag. 
We also need to take down the sign from the small room about no talking.
We talked about having quarterly potlucks. 
We clarified how to handle dance cancellation. We will decide by 8:00 am and post it on the FB page and change the message on the PCD phone.
For Thurs dance, they will call off dance by 12:00 and do the same update on the phone and FB page.
Greeters have been showing up. Yay!!

Age of consent

This has been tabled. 
John: We have to print a new batch of release forms, so let’s not print too many until this has been resolved.


Survey results have been tabulated. 
We will cover the highlights of the survey at annual meeting and put it in the meeting minutes.
Specific survey comments will not be made public. 
Proposal: Meraki will take up the specific survey comments at our January meeting. 
At the annual meeting, we can open up the floor for comments on the survey. We will add this to the agenda that will be posted ahead of time. 

How do we expire committees?

Oracle: We have committee that are no longer active, so how do we expire them?
If there is a committee that doesn’t want to say anything at the annual meeting, does that mean it’s dead? E.g., racial equality, consent committee
We can let it organically die if it’s no longer active.
We need to consider what to do if new issues come up related to a dead committee, e.g., consent.
Proposal: Let’s have a formal process for sunsetting committees and discuss this at the January Meraki meeting. 

Proposals for next meeting

John: Wants to formally check in with people about how they are feeling about a vote at Meraki for consensus, and review the bi-laws to see if they need to be modified around consensus voting. 

Next meeting

Tuesday January 14
Venue: Deb or Mellen

Proposed agenda

Proposal: New website administrator. (Kiara, Lindy, Nicole)
Proposal: Narrow down the list of admins for the PCD fan page. (Mellen)
Proposal: Discuss specific survey comments. (Deb)
Proposal: Discuss a formal process for sunsetting committees. (Oracle)
Proposal: Age consent (Mellen and Oracle)

Monday, November 11, 2019

Meraki Meetings Notes - October 8th, 2019

Meraki Meetings Notes - October 8th, 2019

Kiara, Oracle, Mellen, Blair, Martin, John, Parks, Keri, Jenna


·               Facilitator: John
·               Timekeeper: Mellen
·               Vibe-checker: Keri
·               Ingathering: Martin
·               Hat of process: Oracle


  1. Proposal for Meraki template structure 
  2. DJ notes on music selection “DJ manifesto”
  3. Gender neutral bathroom update
  4. Age of consent for dance 
  5. NYE dance 
  6. PCD Survey update 
  7. Annual meeting + Officer recruiting 
  8. Volunteer for 2ndThursday dance

1. Proposal for Meraki template structure – 2 minutes
·      To be continued, Oracle and John will follow-up

2. DJ notes on music selection “DJ manifesto” – 5 minutes
    • Parks: interested in having Manifesto published on PCD site... maybe before or after DJ feedback is submitted
    • Conclusion:
      • Will check with DJs on having it posted online

3. Gender neutral bathroom update
    • Parks update:
      • Signs are up, only feedback positive thus far, welcomes more. Wondering about who will be responsible for putting up signs each week
    • Discussion
      • Suggestion backdoor include a sign as well because it has dim light
      • Keri Confirming Wiz can put them up and down
  • Conclusion:
    • Wiz will ensure signs are put up each week  

4. Age of consent for dance
·      Mellen
o   Consent for minors topic still ongoing, haven’t pushed forward as conversations at Meraki have gone in different directions
·      Discussion
o   We do have insurance for liability
o   Under 18 have guardian sign it
o   Children under 16 shouldn’t be on own, would be nice to state that
o   Idea:    
§  Rewrite for 13+ with parent/guardian and sign
§  Signature over 18 as well required
o   Kiara suggest subcommittee 
·      Proposal
o   Create a subcommittee to discuss
§  Mellen and Oracle

5. NYE Updates
·      Update from Blair
o  NY day is day rate (225/hr) and NYE available larger cost (1200 total)
·      Discussion:
o  NY day seems interesting as well, Deb ran short poll and some interest in day
o  NYE is significant amount of effort to take on
o  Weather and other commitments for NYE always have chance at harming attendance. Finding DJs can be hard, too
o  NY day everyone has off
o  Chem-free event is nice 
o  Idea to have it free! Relaxed 
o  Time of NYday dance discussed, 10:15 or pushed back? Most people indifferent
o  More time in morning may be nice  
·      Proposal:
o  NYday dance instead of NYE approved!
o  DJ committee to determine who can do it
o  10:15am NY Day dace -Vote approved

6. PCD Survey update
·      Mellen: 
o  Survey ready to go, beta testing is complete. Looking for approval 
·      Discussion:
o  Question on publishing results, Ans: results not planned to be published
o  Free dance in exchange for survey could be told to greeter instead of making burden on dancer to print out
o  Question: Is survey for Members or All Dancers?
o  Result notes can be shared in annual meeting
o  Members-only could be best to cut out non-committed folks
o  Results of survey received by Deb and she will handle responses
·      Proposal:
o  Send survey to general list with all folks
o  Deb to collect results
o  Free dance for filling out

7. Annual meeting + Officer recruiting
·       Oracle update:
o  Kiara Nicole and Oracle met
o  Date:
§  December 8thwill start after dance 
o  Officer recruitment 
§  Requesting help for everyone 
o  Annual meeting will be run in same way, each committee make a statement regarding what they are about and who is on it, i.e. DJ committee, Wiz, etc.
·       Discussion
o  Ideas on filling roles by promoting video content or email
o  Important to identify prospects ahead of time to vet and gauge interest
o  Treasurer role discussed 
·       Conclusion
o  Nicole will be sending out email with description of roles and responsibilities to be shared with folks to help with recruitment
o  Everyone will think about recruitment efforts
o  Keri will be vibe checker @ meeting and will help with recruitment

8. Volunteer for 2ndThursday dance
·      Martin update:
o  Person would like to provide $100 for 2ndThursday if needed
·      Discussion:
o  Thursday dance is net even or slightly profitable
o  Dedicated volunteers is also important to consider
o  Availability of space and DJs is also factor
o  Many pieces outside of funding that would be needed to support

Next meeting:                                                         
·      11/12