Meraki Meeting Notes December 6, 2017
Host: Tasha Salvo
Facilitator: Tasha
Attendees: Tasha, John Boynton, Jeff Edelstein, Lindy Ost, Polly Urbach, Martin Steingesser, Judy Tierney, Pika Skoczenski, Mary Ellen (Mellen) Deschenes
Review Meeting Minutes—Oct/Nov
- New Year’s Eve Dance
- Community Building
- By-Laws
- Meraki Structure/Agenda for quarterly post dance Meraki Meeting
- Committee Updates - WIZ, All Ages Dance
John explained PCD’S EventBrite membership is at “essential” level so there are a few features not available in the set up of this years invitation (ex. couldn’t do sliding scale, or comps). Liz Farmer will do the EB set up again. $20 will be the ticket price. Since we lost over $500 in 2016, the budget was scaled back to not include food (or an upgrade in EB). 80 is approximate break-even. Two DJs are signed up, a third is needed.
- Reasons for last year’s lower attendance/$ loss: late in getting started/organized & marketing ?
- Concerns about attendance for this year especially since it falls on a Sunday - may be too much dancing in one day for some
- An option to consider- 1) cancellation the Sunday am dance and 2) a NYE day dance in lieu of NYE evening dance were vetted and decided against
- An option to consider a survey of membership about NYE attendance was vetted and decided against
- An option to consider less DJs (2) was vetted and decided against
Differing views about the discussion itself:
Meraki already voted in October to hold both the Sunday am dance and NYE dance so we shouldn’t need to take up December meeting discussion time. It’s a bigger issue about how decisions get made. Meraki may need to decide what to do about next years event (downsize it, don’t do it. etc.) after we see what happens this year.
Although Meraki already voted to hold NYE dance, and some may feel it is inefficient to revisit the decision, there are new/different people at each Meraki meeting and, as a community driven organization, we want to make room for new information, concerns or feelings people may have. We can even change a decision if we need to, but even if we don’t it should not preclude a discussion.
Jeff summarized his idea/request about having a brief post-dance gathering for informal discussion, i.e. PCD tag line: “Come for the dance, come back for the community”. Highlights:
- organic conversation about dance, share back about dance experience
- deepen connections; how to help new people get more connected/inclusivity of new people
- he’s been discussing the idea informally with others ~ there is interest in it
- lightly facilitated
- there could also be a non dance related topic for discussion
- the group would develop and form organically
- facilitators would rotate
There is precedent: Neil had a similar idea (Salon) and Jeff spoke to him about it but it wasn’t implemented. Kiara organized potlucks post dance for informal socializing and occasional topic discussion areas.
There were comments generally in favor but with the preference for it to be non PCD sponsored (conducted off site, in a park, at a residence, a restaurant etc. not after dance at Avant). If we stay beyond 12:45 pm there is additional expense to PCD for Sunday rental. Also need to be sensitive to WIZ folks responsible for closing.
There were comments that the dance itself and it’s nonverbal aspects are community building and should not be thought of as in opposition to or in need of verbal articulation. If there are to be “discussions” what are the specific topic areas?
Agreed: Should be held at Avant because of ready supply of interested people and facilitated. No overhead, food or effort. Announcement at 12/10 dance for a show of hands interested and a brief meeting (12:15-12:45 pm). John will see if Avant space is available for a trial run on 12/17 to see how it goes. Jeff can be trained to close Avant. The cost to PCD is $75 to rent the small room for one hour, 12:30-1:30 pm.
The changes to the ByLaws from November annual meeting were discussed. The word “NOT” is added and in place. Other changes made (?) and filed TABLED.
Background: Up to this point Meraki (the PCD steering committee) meetings, usually monthly/every 6 weeks, on a alternating weekdays from 7-9 pm. Someone volunteers to host. Any member can attend. There has been a trend toward less attendance at the evening meetings and various discussions about why that is and what can be done to get more and diverse member participation. There was a decision to add quarterly post Sunday dance Meraki meetings, with the first one to start in February 2018, as a way to encourage attendance and participation and get more feedback/support. There was discussion about how Meraki meetings were originally set up, how it has changed/evolved and how to adapt to changing participation and views about how the meetings are formatted to allow for both business (operational) and social (non-operational) aspects. PCD is intentionally unique in its “free-floating” membership and operational style.
Meraki needs to decide on the format for the February quarterly meeting. There was discussion on what that format would look like. Differing views emerged:
- Polly prepared a hand-out for a suggested format. The focus on brevity (a 45 minute meeting), committees present prepared and time delimited reports, presenters follow a determined protocol, facilitators have guidelines to follow. Afterwards, there can be informal discussions, potlucks, social stuff after business is done. Where the “fuzzy stuff” would fall needs to be discussed and addressed in some other format.
- Lindy took issue with the descriptor “fuzzy stuff” to describe discussion areas at Meraki meetings that don’t fall under nuts and bolts/operations. The business and emotional/social issues are intermixed.
- Mellen added that the original idea for the quarterly was to stimulate, invigorate involvement so that we mitigate fatigue of the same people doing the heavy lifting and generate new energy.
- Polly suggested that people don’t come to Meraki because committees are now doing a lot of the work and perhaps we don’t need to meet as often; PCD is maturing and organized and in a more maintenance phase. She volunteers because she wants to serve but hasn’t always found the meetings make efficient use of time.
- It’s important to adhere to Meraki meeting protocol; everyone’s point is valid, hands raised, speaking when called upon in order; can get sloppy if not.
- If the emphasis is on member engagement, Mellen and Jeff voiced concerns about starting the meeting with business (committee reports etc). We want to attract people to stay, be inspired.
- Jeff offered his perspective as an experienced facilitator. He said that what was needed was a 2 hour Meraki meeting devoted to this discussion; that there is not adequate time to brainstorm, find common ground for a format. Brainstorming gets people to show up. Go through a set of objectives, structure a plan. He personally does not go to meetings without an agenda ahead (but that has not been Meraki’s format ~ agendas are made at the start of meetings).
- There should not be a subcommittee assigned to come up with a format; it should be Meraki.
- Pika suggested the January Meraki only have one agenda item- the format for the Feb meeting, so we don’t run up against time constraints.
- Lindy suggested that February meeting could be considered a trial run; keep it light, maybe shorter and move on from there.
- Even with differing views, Martin reminded that all of this “strawberries on the cheesecake”. We have something beautiful running. I come to Meraki so that isn’t jeopardized
* Mellen said, yes, Sunday dance works. All the issues are additional/subordinate things.
* Jeff said there are ways to do consensus building ideas from his experience, feedback to Meraki.
* John, we want people to continue to come, versus come once.
Next Meraki meeting date/location/time: January 9, 2018, 7-9 pm. Mellen’s, 186 Concord st, Portland. 318-4989.
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