Meraki Meeting Notes
Host: Rudy
Attendance: Blair, Mellen, Rudy, John, Polly, Martin, Lindy, Shelagh
Facilitator: John
Review of last month's Meraki Meeting Notes
1. Annual Membership Meeting: Begin officer recruitment. Reach out to people. Talk to current officers. Scheduled for 11/5/17 after dance. John contacted Kristin. OK for the space. Have a process in place. Voted: A nominating committee of 2 or 3 people of board members and membership to seek a slate of officers for the annual meeting. Make an announcement, identify the nominating committee. Unanimous "Yes". Polly, Shelagh, and Mellen volunteered.
2. Membership Renewal: Blair, Dave to organize. John to coordinate with them by next meeting. No renewal 2016. John maintains list. Options: email and in-person renewal.
3. Annual Calendar: Active document. Part of every meeting.
Approaching--New Year's Dance--date, sign up, committee by Sep. Announce "save the date". Lost money last year. Lindy to put in meeting minutes and announce at dance.
4. Retreat: Shelagh checked with Kari: Committee-- Kari, Julie Isbill, Jane. Need 2 people--1 with tech experience. Will be meeting soon in fall. Dates reserved. Shelagh to sign contract. Shelagh to check in with Kari re: getting 2 new members.
5. Thur. night dance: Review with committee in Nov. at Meraki. Polly to talk to Oracle and Deb about Nov./Thanksgiving dance and she also may get back involved with the WEVE. Shelagh to also check in with committee in Oct.
6. All Ages Dance: Polly talked with Jason. Questionable financial status. Jason will take whatever they get thru the end of the summer. Shelagh to talk with Marin re: website and attendance. Questionable attendance. Review in Dec.
7. Wiz--How are members feeling? Look for new people to check in with them? No concerns otherwise. Opening of Sunday dance formal and informal. Wiz staying available for new dancers. Safety issues, a few. Natalie, Cheri, Jimmy, Kari, Blair make up Wiz. Blair to take back to Wiz meeting. Blair to check in with committee members. Martin interested in wiz committee. Meets first Sun. of the mo. Rudy offers the Nominating committee acts as the organization for all recruitment of members for committees.
8. Sound meter: Pika has volunteered to take up. Shelagh to check in with him.
9. Pot Luck: Not in fall b/c of annual meeting. If anyone is interested, put it on annual calendar for spring. To discuss in Jan. Unanimous.
10. Partnering discussion at last pot luck. Got some data re: how we communicate. No responses from organizing members. Topic remains relevant. How we communicate to new people at dance and what are the rules and what remains around the topic? People not available to put energy into it now. Let it go for now until it comes up again.
11. Outreach: Make outreach a responsibility of wiz rather that waiting for people to respond to the invitation during circle time. Martin to connect with other group members. New name for the volunteers who are involved with outreach--"Ombuds". To take as a responsibility. Blair to take back to Wiz. Ombudsman group part of wiz. They will work out tighter details.
12. Greeter's tally sheet. Finance committee involvement. John to draft up a replacement, get a clicker. Finance committee and Tim to implement.
13. To review Bylaws and see if we need to change.
14. Feedback re: DJ's? DJ's web site clarification re: feedback format.
15. Meraki meeting--Review agenda setting for each meeting. Is our current way of operating working? Are there other options? Core board members meeting, is it serving us in the best way? Discuss at next Meraki meeting. When we announce the next meeting, include a special note to let members know that we will be discussing our business meeting structure, including bylaws.
Next mtg. Wed. 8/20. 7-9 PM. Make an event on FB. Talk about next meeting at Sunday Dance. Check with Liberty/Polly to host. Lindy to contact.
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