Meraki Meeting Notes
December 7, 2106
Nev's House
Attendance: Polly, Mellen, John, Dave, Lindy, Deb, Nev, Jason, Sarah, Shelagh, Parks, Cheri
Facilitator: Shelagh volunteered to facilitate.
Establish Agenda: Board resolution, Holidays, Membership list, Thur. night dances, Sound system, Spring retreat, Passwords, Issues brought up in absentia, Wiz, Finance.
Lindy read minutes of last Meraki meeting.
Board Resolution: Polly, John, and Mellen authorized as check signers for bank account. Polly and John to have debit cards (John has already). Polly and John to have online access (John has already). Polly & John will continue to transition and train for treasury position.
Holidays: No available DJ's for Christmas Day. No overnight available at Avant New Year's Eve/Day. Discussion re: interest in dancing 12/25/16 and 1/1/17 at the usual time in both this Meraki mtg. and the vote at last Sun. dance. Regret was expressed considering not holding dance on Sun, but it was also recognized that this was the first year that 2 traditional holidays are on Sundays. Proposal to not have dance on those 2 days and voted to cancel dance 12/25/16 and 1/1/2017.
New Year's Dance: Recognition that last year there was a committee that worked to establish the event and there are currently 3 DJ's available. Discussion re: who is organizing: Meraki or committee? Reach out to Diane, Liz, Jim Young (previous committee members). Deb and Jason volunteered to help. Shelagh volunteered to organize; Nev to do bed area; Cherie, greeters. Tickets, advertising, decorations, food still needed. Committee: Shelagh volunteered for committee and to talk to Jim Y. Liz was contacted and agreed to set up eventbrite.
Deb: Liz to train someone for next year. Nev to do tickets with Liz. Advertising related to ticket sale. Chloe & Deb to organize food. Mellen to do mailchimp announcement. Can ask for volunteers on Sunday. Previous charge: $15-20/person. Clean up crew dances for free.
Thursday Night Dances: Deb & Polly report with visual and rename 'Thwiz' to 'W'eve' (Wiz of the 'eve)!!! Need to move. Options narrowed. Well thought out. Will make recommendation. Names of places considered: (stay at) Mechanics Hall, Woodfords, Congregational, Owls club, Tai Chi, Hustle and Flow, etc. Tai Chi and MH are the only ones available Thur. nights. Recommend a 6 mo. trial at Tai Chi. Considered loss of income and need for a music system. To do: ask Jason about his sound system; consider financial implications, threshold? Consider lowering costs by paying DJ's less or paying less for the space. Will PCD support Thur. night if at a loss? $265/night. $35 hit last dance. $300/mo. from PCD? Paying Neil for sound system rental? Dave states we are in a good position to support Thur. night dance. Nev--yes to continue. John proposes we do trial for 6 mos. Dave seconds. In the ensuing discussion, it was decided to vote on a 4 mo. trial basis which was approved. To re-evaluate.
Sound System: Purchase vs. rental vs. borrow. $3-6000 new. Rent Neil's for awhile. We agreed to rent Neil's, but Neil has not been paid to date. Jason--Neil's is option. Jason's is adequate. Jason's speaker blew at Thur. dance. He is getting fixed. Sound card brings level down. Volume issues. Do we invest? Primary issue is schlepping equipment. Dave and Neil have been doing it. John--We have money in the acct. to purchase system. Dave-- we need to present options (Dave, John, Neil on committee). Unprepared to list options at this meeting. Consider weight/storage. Table topic until March at which time sound system committee will give a full presentation (with visuals)!
Spring Retreat: Discuss pro/cons of available dates: Apr 7-9, May 12-14 (Mother's Day w/e). Mellen to do doodle of membership. Check with Kiara to check with Kiev to see if they are still available.
Membership List: John--Because of errors with CC membership list instead of BCC Gmail, recommend eliminating contacts in Gmail and using MailChimp. Problem with that option is that emails are required and one member does not have email. Dave liked gmail for google sheets, helpful. Gmail was also important during renewal process, however, we are not currently doing annual renewals. Suggestion to make fake email for those who don't have emails. Recommended to resume discussion next time.
Change Passwords: Deferred.
Wiz: People in the know reported no new concerns/issues. Going well.
Issues brought up in absentia: Polly is concerned about soliciting input of membership who cannot make meeting citing a previous Meraki meeting. John supports hearing from those who have specific issues and cannot attend Meraki. Mellen supports those showing up at Meraki or talking to someone who will be at Meraki. Dave- issues lose power and would not support soliciting issues. Parks recommends we do not put out an email announcement asking for feedback as was done this last Meraki email notice. Lindy solicited feedback b/c of experience of it being done last year. It was agreed that we will not solicit agenda items in response to email notifications.
Finance: John questioned frequency of preparing and emailing the finance report before each Meraki meeting. It was discussed and decided to continue with finance reports before each Meraki meeting as compared to quarterly or annual reports, and not to have lack of excitement, interest or discussion be a deciding factor.
Next Meeting Date: 01/10/2017 7-9 PM at Dave and Deb Grant's 60 Brentwood, Portland.
Tues better for most. Cheri not here on Tues. Shelagh not available after 1/3/17 in Jan.
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