Lindy Ost
Diane Archambault
Martin Steingasser
Julie Vohs
Mary Ellen Deschenes
John Boynton
Wiz update
retreat follow up
lawyer info
A member's concerns
Thursday dance
Sunday after dance potluck
Martin's question/concern
Martin: brought up problem of someone who attended dance once, and does not want to come back due to feeling uncomfortable about someone they encountered.
How to be a welcoming community?
Similar to concerns raised - how do we make people feel welcome?
Make a responsibility of greeters? They are too busy...
Diane - we do enough with the newcomer sheet - and asking them to read the board
Revisit in future meetings to see how its going?
Greeter Issues
Discussion re: Greeter orientation - please make aware that they need to clean up.
Greeter - Wiz responsibility to make sure the greeter coordinator communicates what the greeter needs to know.
Communicate to Wiz that the greeter coordinator needs to be oriented
Greeters must clean up table after dance
Greeters should show up 15 minutes before dance to set up and be ready when dancers start arriving
The bag of greeter stuff needs to be organizes in a more efficient way
Weekly Duties of greeter:
- Sign waiver
- orientation sheet
- pointing them toward the board
- 1st dance is free
Specific issue brought up about retreat:
A member had specific issues and the y were discussed and addressed.
Proposal- Member concerns were brought up and taken into consideration for next retreat.
Retreat follow up:
- Retreat was a success. The committee met to go over the weekend and discussed what they did for safety - balancing safety with being able to enjoy a retreat.
- Retreat guidelines will be posted next time.
- Specific issues will be managed by committee
- We went over budget on insurance and renting DJ equipment
- Scholarships are an expense of the retreat - but they are gifted from PCD to retreat
- In the future two people will be focused specifically on contracts w/ vendors/venue
- We will get general liability for PCD Sunday and event insurance for retreats
- We need to vote if we are going to have the October retreat - we have a date at Wavus.
ACTION: Send Doodle Poll to Membership. Do we want to do one or not? - conditional to responses to this form we can move forward with the retreat. and ask if people are willing to help plan.
What are the numbers we need? 30 people to hold the retreat
10 people who are willing to help plan.
Lawyer issue: John cleared with the Len Cole (attorney) that we were not satisfied with their services and that we were square -we owe him nothing more.
DJ Follow up: Mary Ellen reported that the DJ meeting focused on sound board. Wiz will deal with announcements at the end of circle.
Thursday Dance - Dave can't lug equipment. John B. will do it.
Wiz update tabled to next meeting when a wiz person is here
Proposal: Diane is willing to organize once a quarter Sunday pot luck. Same Sunday each month
Second Sunday potluck?
Set budget - PCD will supply utensils and paper.
Carried foward - Summer gathering
Next Meeting: July 12, 7-9 pm
Meeting space TBD
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