Meeting began with a review of previous minutes and a reminder of our purpose
New Work
Renting the small hall during sunday dance - we decided to continue renting the small dance hall during sunday dance at a cost of an additional $75. We like this space for overload, for people who want to dance w mirrors or with friends, and because renting that space keeps other groups out of Avant during Sunday Dance.
Non-Profit Status - John filed our Non-Profit application!
Retreat - We acknowledged that we should be able to accept checks, not just registration via Eventbrite. We await our leaders Eva and Liz who are responsible for registration. They are both away.
Sound Systems - we discussed our research and did not conclude about the sound system especially considering the possibility that Mechanics Hall may be buying one. We decide to put this on hold until we have a definite answer from Mechanics Hall. Dave will bring at Mechanics Hall update to our next meeting.
Thursday Night in April - Neil proposed that we have our next Thursday night PCD at State Street Church. We concluded that we will hold the April dance at State Street Church.
Thursday Night Management - The committee for Thursday night (Queva, Nev, Oracle, Elvis, and Deb) will be reminded by email from Julie that they are responsible for organizing the March 24 dance at Mechanics Hall, and are encouraged to come to the next Meraki with a plan for managing Thursday nights.
Safety Dance Update - tabled until next time.
DJ Gear - Chloe has been researching volume meters - we will be getting a volume meter. USB sound card - everyone can use it to get better sound.
iPad and Spotify Accounts - we talked briefly about the inquiry by some DJs into a community spotify account and backup iPad. We expressed the view that we would rather increase the payment of DJs rather than start to cover costs for things like accounts and backup computers. The issues will be returned to the DJ committee.
Wiz - current members are Kari, Blair, Nev, Eva, Natalie, Chloe and Neil. The wiz has been asked to re-coordinate it's responsibilities and meet at minimum quarterly, and to keep official notes from meetings, and have a meeting before our next Meraki to report on their organizational structure and to let us know how post-dance processor will be selected.
PCD Website - Chloe is going to fix the glitch that's blocking our google cal from populating the calendar. Shelagh is going to partner with Chloe to get it up to date.
Partner Request from Family Dance Group - we heard the request of another group to consider partnering around a family dance. We will let them know that, based upon our policy, we are not interested in partnering.
Post-Dance Announcements - we discussed the event when a visitor spoke after dance to the whole community out of step from our post-dance limited discussions policy. We will have an announcement post dance this week reminding people that we hold space in our circles for only official PCD business, all other comments, announcements, concerns are shared in separate community post-closing circle. Why... because we want to maintain the sacred stillness of the dance.
Next Meeting - April 12th at Liberty's House - 8 Edwards St. South Portland. 207-286-7206.
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