Tuesday, November 3, 2015

PCD Meraki meeting 
November 3, 2015
At Eva's (and thank you for the awesome pies!)
John B, Liberty, Dave G, Liz F, Eva, Martin S, Brandon, Lindy, Tasha, Jim Y, Diane A., Shelagh, Deb G, and a few pets


Surplus (John): what to do with 11K surplus? We could:

  • Change the price from $10 to: 8, or $5-10 range; or have occasional Today's-on-us dances as declared by Treasurer J. either announced ahead of time or not; can make sure people know that cost is voluntary; could do upgrades at avant; scholarships for retreats; donations to organizations in line with our values or mission, etc.; committee could decide or make recc's about surplus in future; sound system; making no change at all; first time free
  • By consensus and with a lot of careful consideration we decided to:  keep it at $10, with clearer signage that "currently it costs $8 to break even"*, a free dance announced every so often, free dance to first timers.  (Versus  $5-10 slide with 1st time dancers dance free, with $8 being break even and free dance once or twice).  We will revisit how this is going in Oct 2016. Brandon will ensure that a great sign is created reflecting it's really ok if you pay less, $8 to break even*, suggested donation, etc.
* John edit after the fact: $8 break-even figure not really accurate, with apologies for presenting it this way. What's accurate: for the 12 months ending October 2015, we took in 20% more than was needed for expenses.

Membership (Blair): has to be renewed.  We can do it by person and email.  Committee will ensure this happens.

Dance New England proposal (Jim Young): Jim was invited to come to a DNE meeting think tank meeting in western mass.  We gave a thumbs up for him representing PCD!

Retreat (Diane A):  Contract in the mail for Spring retreat, could switch to girls' camp.  Fall:  retreat is bigger and nicer on girls' side and is the place we'd need to . Hall is where we would eat and dance.  No hot tub.  The rooms would be cheaper.  Not clear about overall cost.  2 Merakians have been to this side of the camp and said it's wonderful and a better dance space.  Group decided: go for girls' side for both locations.  Keep dates as is.  We will review if we have energy to run 2nd retreat in the future (for now we haven't signed a contract).

Safety (Diane A): Blood was all over the floor.  We need to be prepared to tell a bloody person to get off the floor.   We need a bottle of alcohol and gloves.  Blair will get that and spray disinfectant and biohazard bag and will check CDC or OSHA requirements.

Safety (Diane A): Diane witnessed someone new dancing unsafely with another, and wasn't comfortable herself.  This generated a global discussion of when and how we might talk with a dancer if we have concerns.  Important  to reactivate announcement at end that these people are available, 3rd party identifies those people.  Deb will remind the DJ's.  Reminder of PCD intent to have a built-in safety class preceding one of our dances (see below).  REMINDER: the WIZENGAMUT is available to address safety issues/concerns.  Safety dance can include info about WIZ as ppl to go to.

FROM AUGUST 4 Meraki minutes: Safety Dance:  We reviewed the safety dance idea from last time - 2 x per year -  a first hour of safety followed by 2 hours of dancing.  We rediscussed everything about it.   New agreement about the safety dance structure: 15 mins of warmup, 30 mins of safety instruction, 120 mins of dancing.  Deb and Chloë and Nev will plan and deliver the first safety dance.  Date: TBA - probably in Oct, announced a couple of weeks in advance.

Meeting procedural issue (Dave):  We need to review our structures and how we keep our commitments and remember what we've agreed to do.  For example, that Wiz changes its members, etc. And we sometimes redecide things because we don't remember that a decision was already made. DISCUSS AT NEXT MEETING.  INCLUDE WIZ discussion for sure!

Officers for the board (John):  John reviewed role of Prez Trez and Sexy.  Reminder that meeting minutes need to be posted in member email that announces next meeting.  The Meraki is the governing body and the board answers to the Meraki.  If there's a major dispute or disagreement there are times when it comes down to the board.  The board meets with the Meraki (is expected to be at the meetings regularly).  Lindy noted that the bylaws were unclear, could be more clearly worded, or clearer about how to find bylaws or references in them.
The membership meeting votes for the officers.
There are no term limits for the board.
Diane for President
Julie for Secretary
John as our National Treasure
The voting happens at the membership meeting on November 15.  We will have a Potluck. Dave will Emcee the event as his swan song, and provide structure.

Other issues discussed briefly with our remaining time:

Timing-of-dance proposal (Neil, with John as proxy):   Neil proposes we have the dance be 10:30-12:30 (rental is 10:15-12:45, paying extra 30 min for buffer time). John will report back to Neil that we want to understand if this is an option with Avant before discussing further.

Brandon: how wonderful it is to be here with all of you, to feel so welcomed to PCD.  Big HEART feelings.  Thank YOU Brandon.

Proposal that love rhythm group plays for PCD as a live band event.  This reminds us that Chloe was/is going to make a proposal about live music night.  Do we want the Love Rhythm Group to provide live music at an event?  John to pass along to Chloe.

Greetings from LA California (Traca and Don) via Dave!

Oracle and Orion asked about (via John) support for an authentic movement group/opportunity.
Reminds us that Dave Nev and Eva need to meet as committee about how we determine additional classes and events....
Dave will also ask Chloe Webmaster for link to notes.

Thursday night dance-- overall feedback: liking

New Year's Eve is all set, @ Avant.

Agenda for next meeting
New Year's
Meeting procedures/follow through
Wizengamut: will these be the people to approach for post dance processing?
Request to have Meraki meetings after dance.

NEXT MEETING:  Tuesday December 1, 7-9 pm  @ Deb and Dave's, 60 Brentwood Street.

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