Attending: Nev, Mellen, John (notes), Kristy, Blair, Julie, Kellie, Deb, Neil (Facilitating), Chloe
After a beautiful centering invocation by Neil, we discussed the following topics
Restatement of Articles of Incorporation for 501(c)(4)
John discussed reorganizing (filing restated Articles of Incorporation) as a 501(c)(4) social benefit organization for IRS filing simplification and reduced expense. After filing restated Articles of Incorporation through the tax attorney (Leonard Cole) we've engaged for this purpose, he would submit an application to the IRS for tax-exempt status under 501(c)(4). Approved, but requires board vote (Dave and Eva not present). (Update 12/15/15: Dave and Eva voted yes; John asked Len to move forward.)
Possible new space
We discussed the possibility of moving to the Mechanic's Hall (Ballroom), which is being renovated. It's a lovely space with high ceilings and historical significance. The renovation plan would expand the space in the future by removing a wall and adding fire exits. The rate would probably be comparable to Avant ($50/hr).
Sounds like we have first dibs on Sunday morning if we want it. Parking is a concern, we would need our own sound system (which we could store there), and there are other concerns. Deb proposed to form a new committee to look at the space (which we approved). We have first dibs on it for New Year's, but that's not an advantage over Avant because of the 160 person capacity until they knock down the wall (Phase II). Neil: committee is good, already nascent (Meraki points for that word!). John proposed to discuss in the broader context of growth (which we tabled).
Had some retreat committee meetings, decided to present to Meraki:
- Schedule: Lease starts 10AM Sunday, ends 4PM Sunday. Might be able to extend on Sunday. $3000 for all space use (15 rooms, space, kitchen).
- We plan 4 official DJ dances in the big space: Friday night, Saturday morning and night, Sunday morning. Other times by volunteer/pick-up. We'll pay standard DJ rate: $130 per dance x 4 dances = $520.
- Want to have food provided. Potluck on Friday night, 3 meals Saturday, Sunday breakfast, leftover lunch on Sunday. Talked to a few caterers; decided to use Kari Luehman because of several members' past positive experience. She quoted 6 meals sliding scale $50 - $75 per person. Chloe assuming lower end of sliding scale: $5,270 divided by 30: $176 per person cost. Wanted to offer sliding scale, talking $150-$250, but lower cost might suggest $130-$230.
- Scholarships: suggested 2 work-study scholarships at 1/2 price. But say something like: If cost is a concern, then we provide this option. So not advertised. Idea: let's not make it work-study, but just scholarship. Julie: let retreat committee decide on scholarships in case of need.
- Members only? The general feeling is that this event should be members only, as a membership benefit, and so that we assure attendance by dancers who are well-acquainted with the PCD experience.
- We'll have a public open dance Saturday night, regardless of membership. We could accommodate a larger group. Probably won't have that many making the trip for that, so we should be safe in terms of oversubscription.
- What about Sunday Dance on the retreat weekend? Who (Meraki, Wizengamot) will be willing to open the doors and close up, etc. at Avant? Not known at the moment.
- Numbers: 15 rooms, 2 single beds in each. Some queen size beds for couples. Possibility: extra accommodation for more with cots/beds, etc. Possibly extra 7 slots accommodated this way. Also another room for pads on the floor. Only 30 seats in the dining hall. Neil: a little overcrowding would OK, fostering community, not unappealing.
- Kieve is the location.
- Put together an expedition to go up and look at the space to suss out how many we could accommodate. Kieve is open to us having extra people. Need to check fire code capacity of the dance space. Dance space is 40'x60' (similar to Avant), but that's disputed.
- Idea: 30 with waiting list. We're open to having more. Yea vote.
- Suss out who's willing to have 2 per room? 3 per room? When are you arriving/leaving?
- No partial attendance (except Saturday night). Minimize people coming and going.
- Saturday evening open dance: $10 suggested donation.
- Offsite attendees? Don't really want that - compromises the container. Accommodate extras at Kieve. But let's see what the demand is.
- Registration: When do we put it for sale and how? Let's have a deposit.
- Cost intention: basically cover costs, but PCD can cover shortage if necessary. Regarding this partial subsidy (PCD covering shortage), there's some feeling that it isn't fair. Lower end of sliding scale should be enough to cover costs so PCD doesn't have to cover a shortage. Decided on sliding scale $145-$215, PCD covers shortage. Initially have it open to 30, but open to at least 10 more spots, and we'll revisit when demand is known.
- Voted: Engage Kari Luehman for food preparation.
- Voted: Retreat committee to decide when/how/what mechanism to adopt/use for registration.
Wizengamot (Operations Committee)
The Wiz is membership is down to 4 (Neil, Chloe, Blair, Nev). We need another member. Mellen said she's willing to join, Kristy also. Kristy to join; Mellen perhaps later. Welcome to the Wiz, Kristy!
Welcoming newcomers
Neil: thought about welcoming new people. Questioned singling out new people. John seconded. Others feel differently - helps break the ice. Welcome newcomers. Kristy (recent newcomer) felt welcome, that she could enter into the dance even though there were established dance relationships. Felt pulled in. Love the idea of trying to pull people in. Also, we try to let folks know who to go to for questions, etc. Neil withdrew concerns; we'll continue to welcome newcomers in the closing circle.
We had a discussion about safety with some concern expressed about particular dancers. Wizengamot to follow up, and subcommittees as needed to deal with particular concerns.
Next meeting
Monday, March 9, 7-9PM at Julie Vohs' apartment, 29 Wilson St. #3, Portland. (207) 879-2279
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