Facebook group
Nev suggests the possibility of Facebook group for community discussion. More shareable than a page, and more people get to see what's posted there.
Concern was expressed about opening it up to all and sundry, but an announcement about the group's purpose and guidelines can be pinned to the top, and our community is perhaps small enough as to not be vulnerable to a lot of superfluous stuff. Also, admins can delete spam.
We discussed making it a benefit of membership, but decided to make it open to all (but require Admin approval). Voted to create; Nev to spearhead. Admins: Nev, John, Chloë, Neil, Eva
Chloë has done research, has email inquiries out to several facilities. Possibilities include Ferry Beach Saco, which would have space for 20 indoors, and we could do a retreat this fall (though most felt that was too soon for planning purposes), but has a big campus and dining hall that wouldn't be that intimate. Another possibility: a big house in Harpswell. Gorgeous place 20-24 (sleeps 20, but bedding for floors might be a possibility), about $150 / head. Great room looks big. On the pricey side at $1200-$1400/night. Other inquiries are out there, but no one facility is a standout perfect fit. Other possibilities to check out: Camp Kiev, Camp Wavus.
We discussed subsidizing part of the cost or offering scholarships, and decided to set a sliding scale fee, offer scholarships, and pick up the difference of what we don't take in. There was discussion of how big a place we'd need, and decided to take a poll/survey to get a gauge of interest and numbers. It depends on cost, when we hold it, how far away it is, and so on. Wouldn't be before January 2015. Chloë to take charge of announcements and signup sheet.
New Year's Eve Dance
We definitely want to do a New Year's Eve dance. Most expressed the desire to use a wave format rather than a more free-form dance party format like we had last year. State Street Church will be in the neighborhood of $500; John recommended renting a kickass sound system for the event. Some felt that last year's event was too crowded, but on reflection, it may have been that the crowd wasn't a problem as much as the dance party vibe of the event. There was fairly unanimous feeling of wanting to stage our regular Sunday Dance format. Avant was discussed as a possibility for a more intentional (but more costly @$200/hr) venue - we'd have fewer drop-ins at Avant than at State Street Church, because dancers would have to make an intentional journey to Westbrook for the event if it was held at Avant. We discussed the idea of presenting it as our standard dance experience rather than a dance party. John and Neil to follow up with State Street Church and Avant.
Fallbrook Woods
Martin took the initiative to coordinate our attendance at the Fallbrook Woods regular Saturday Dance Party. The main question under consideration was whether to keep it under the PCD umbrella, or let Martin run with it as an independent activity. We felt we had pressing matters to consider at the meeting and voted to keep it under PCD auspices for now, and take up the question later. Martin will continue to coordinate volunteer dancer, around 3 per week, to serve Fallbrook Woods with our dance offerings. The staff was really appreciative of what the dancers did for the first two events, and requested to mention us on their volunteer of the week page with a link back to our website, to which we heartily consented.
Membership signups
Blair passed around a membership signup sheet. As for an introductory packet, he felt that what we already have is sufficient. We discussed modifications to the signup sheet. We'll put out the forms throughout October for membership signups at dance. We'll start making announcements at dance and start signups in October with the modified form that Blair and Dave developed. Thanks Blair and Dave!
Membership meeting
John proposed a post-dance potluck party and meeting. We settled on Nov 2, 12:30 - 3:30; John to check with Kristin (update: Nov. 2 not available; current proposed date and time is Saturday Nov. 1, 10AM-2PM at Avant)
DJ feedback
Nev proposes a DJ feedback form to help grow the art. Wants to keep it positive.
John (echoed by others): Don't see the need. Some suggested the suggestion box. Other inputs: We don't want to interfere with the creative process; "bad" sets actually are good in that they take us out of our comfort zone. The DJs could take responsibility for self-evaluation according to the form criteria they've established: How well did I do against our established criteria? Also, Chloë's take from Neige's experience with DJ feedback forms at DanceCamp was that there was conflicting input that ultimately wasn't helpful. Another idea: more generally than just DJ feedback was "How're we doing?" in general. Get input from the community on any and all aspects of the PCD experience. The DJs are meeting as a group this Sunday (September 28) and will discuss this among other things.
Meraki Meeting Facilitation
Nev: It might be worthwhile to pick facilitator for the next meeting at the end of each meeting. Among other things, it would cut down on selection time at the beginning of the meeting.
Julie volunteered to facilitate the next meeting; Neil to take notes.
Wizengamot (Operations Committee)
John: With Don's departure, we're down to 5 members and could use one more to bring our membership back to 6. Our next meeting is slated for Sunday October 5 after dance. Nev expressed interest.
Next meeting
Monday October 20, 7-9PM at Jill's, 39 North St. Portland, enter at driveway side door, 1st floor.
We will focus on the membership meeting
Julie to facilitate with Neil on notes
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