Saturday, July 15, 2023

Meraki meeting notes for June 20

Meraki (PCD Steering Committee) met in person at Jimmie and Kari's home, June 20, 7-9PM.

Attending: Erin, Lily, Kari, Mellen, Jimmie, Lori, John, Jamie

Where can we dance (Lori)

  • Every place we looked into has limitations for Sunday morning.
  • Get temperature about Sherpa-ing - with dwindling options, how is everyone holding up?
  • Kari: UFF has been great. It might be possible to dance there on a once-a-month basis
  • Jamie: What about community centers? Response: We've tried them all.
  • There are spaces, but many are too small.
  • Waldorf continues to be available (usually).
  • DJ juice still a challenge, so once a month at UFF might not be good
  • We need 2000 sq ft.
  • Places like UFF or 317 Main have refreshment bars
  • Jamie: what about Space Gallery, Aura, or other clubs that have a dance floor?
Sound meter
  • John: Propose large meter visible from across the room, placed in the back
  • Discussion about placement of device / microphone. Center of the room would be ideal, but this would get in the way of dancing unless we could suspend it from above.
  • Jimmie: Move speakers to offer loudness for some or not for others?
  • Purchase still comes back to Meraki for decision
  • Mellen: work with Sweetwater?

Capacity committee update - Jimmie, Kari, Rudy, Mellen
  • John suggestion: use the stage at MCWS, clean the floor, make the stage available for dance
  • DJs like to be closer to the dancers
  • Scope it out next Sunday to see how do-able it is. We'd need more help with floors & setup.

Vibe/food break

10th Anniversary celebration
  • After dance September 10th
  • Catering really expensive, not a lot of service
  • Are we going to feel like we've spent money well?
  • Bring your own lunch, we'll have a cake/
  • There have been some picnics at Waldorf and UFF with people not trashing the place
  • Moving towards people bringing own food/utensils, plus supplying cake and some platters.
  • Fun/relaxing day
  • John: what about a park outing separately w/ cookout?
  • Plan outdoor activities - badminton, cornhole, etc.
  • Committee: Lori, Jamie, Erin, Lily, Kari

Next Retreat
  • Lili and Kari plus names signed up on board:
  • Really: next Fall? Couldn't we do it sooner?
  • Jo, Marion, Bart, ??

  • A male-bodied person wants to dress in tight clothing - is that verbotten?
  • There's a perceived double standard between female tight sports bra, etc., and male-bodied people
  • John: why wouldn't we affirm that we have no dress code?
  • Lily percieves vibe of double standard.
  • Erin: What I love about PCD is being comfortable in my own skin. Be clear that we don't have a dress code
  • Mellen: would be uncomfortable if women started to go topless. The more we bring it up, the concern is that if we say we have no dress code, someone would push the boundary.
  • There are implicit lines, but we haven't articulated anything.
  • Suggestion: No specific dress code, please be conscientious about being respectful to others.
  • Erin: this segues into the next topic: sensitive issues

Sensitive issues
  • How do we handle sensitive interpersonal conflicts or issues?
  • In another community, a member was "excommunicated" of someone who made someone else uncomfortable.
  • John: We have procedures in place to resolve issues. For really thorny issues, we have in the past formed a group of people to address the issue specifically with sensitivity.
  • First question: do you feel comfortable talking to the other person you're having trouble with?
  • We have mechanisms in place, but haven't been as intentional about communicating the "Heartfelt no," dance-alone wristbands
  • We need to be mindful to announce at closing circle that there's a group of people that dancers can talk to for issues or concerns that arise
Greeter volunteering
  • How do we get people to step up to greet? Don't think we can resolve it tonight - think about how we can address this in the future?
  • Solicit for a safety committee, Mellen: the committee needs a mission
  • Put on the agenda for next time
  • Please send me the written safety protocols