Saturday, December 3, 2022

Annual Membership Meeting Notes - November 20 2022

Portland Community Dance held its Annual Membership Meeting on Sunday November 20, 2022, from 1-2:15 PM at Ketcha Outdoors, Scarborough ME


With over 13 members, we met our quorum requirement of 10% of our 132 current members. (Sorry, I didn't get an exact count - 20 to 25 people?)


  • Ingathering - Rudy
  • Icebreaker - Deb
  • How we Roll - John
  • Summary of 2022 - Mellen
  • Finance - John
  • Wiz update - Kari
  • Greeter Coordinator - Lily
  • Future Dance Space - Lori
  • 2023 Retreat - Shelagh
  • Thank outgoing officers/board - Mellen
  • New Officer/Board selections - Deb
    • Kari Pritchard, President
    • Lori Harley, Treasurer (continuing)
    • John Boynton, Secretary (continuing)
  • Crowning Cermony - Deb
  • Out-gathering - Rudy



Rudy offered music


Deb facilitated icebreaker exercises.

How We Roll

John summarized the How we Roll document.

Summary of 2022

Mellen gave highlights of 2022.


John interpretively danced a gradual decline in our account balance, and presented a discussion of our costs and income. PCD finances should improve with robust attendance we've seen in the last few dances.

Wiz Update

Kari summarized activities of the Wizengamot (Operations Committee), whose current members are: Blair, Jimmie and Kari, Lori, Lily, Sunshine, and Tim. The biggest logistics lift continues to be equipment cartage, storage, and setup/teardown.

Greeter Coordinator

Lily has graciously offered to serve as Greeter Coordinator. We passed around a signup sheet for a "Let me know how I can help" list of names for anyone who would like to assist with any of the various PCD needs.


Lori summarized our current space search for a new venue in 2023, and reported that Ketcha Outdoors might be available to us through the winter and spring months. Maine Coast Waldorf School is a regular possibility if a better option doesn't surface. There's a spreadsheet of our research; anyone with ideas of possible venues, please contact Lori.

Social Media Correspondent

Deb mentioned our need for a Social Media coordinator / correspondent to take charge of our Facebook page and group.

Spring 2023 Retreat

We have a signed contract and have paid a deposit to Ferry Beach Retreat Center for a spring retreat for PCD members, planned for May 5-7 2023. If anyone wants to contribute to organizing the retreat, please talk to Shelagh.

Thank You to Outgoing Officers

We thanked outgoing officers Mellen, Lori, and John, for their service to PCD.

Officer / board elections

We elected the following officers and board members:
  • Kari Pritchard, President
  • John Boynton, Secretary (continuing)
  • Lori Harley, Treasurer (continuing)
Officer positions take effect immediately.

Future Meetings

We scheduled future Meraki meetings for December 13 and January 17 on Zoom and at Deb's place, respectively. More details by email to the membership.


Rudy performed a brief reprise of the ingathering music.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:15 PM.