Present at meeting:
John (Facilitator)
Rebecca (Timekeeper)
Lori (Notes)
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Indoor Dance…many decisions were made!
To begin March 13 (vaxed & masked inside, no restrictions outside); Mellen will update the associated PCD email with details/requirements
Moving dance indoors may court some of the DJs back.
While we won’t be contact-tracing, PCD will encourage dancers to report if they may have exposed others to Covid so that PCD can share that alert with the group (without naming names)
Wiz agenda
- greeter table location (perhaps just off to the right of the front door so that people will flow inside or off to the right to dance outside as the case may be
- vax card checking protocol for greeter (each dancer to show proof of vax for each dance, as PCD does not want to keep records; NOT delving into dates and verification of booster status)
- air flow prep: cracking windows and assessing a fan arrangement
Equipment committee agenda (John, Blair, Jason, with Lori/Kari as Ketcha liason)
- John, Blair, and Jason to coordinate schlepping for the foreseeable future, each schlepp necessarily entails two dances: taking equipment home and then bringing it to the next dance
- John researching temperature/humidity/salt/
corrosion issues for all equipment to verify the possibility of… - constructing or purchasing a secure locker/cabinet for under the back entrance overhang
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PCD Gmail: Mellen taking on Gmail administration (receiving and responding to PCD emails)
PCD Facebook Page (official business): Mellen will continue to post the dances and answer FB queries; she’ll also cull/update what has become a long list of FB admins and editors! As needed, John and Lori will (try to!) assist with the evolving technology.
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NEXT TWO MERAKIS: March 15 & April 12