In attendance:
Jimmie and Kari Pritchard, Liberty Bryer, John Boynton, Tasha Salvo, Byron and Laura Saavedra,
Shelagh Reiser, Polly Urbach, Dave and Deb Grant, Natalie Hickey, Oracle Smith, Mary Ellen Deschenes, Judy Tierney, Martin Steingesser, Lindy Ost, Heather Westleigh, Rudy Gabrielson, Rodney Mashia, Jeff Edelstein, Jeanette Schmid, Jim Young, Blair Fridgen, Rebecca Booth, Rebecca Strauss, John Ford, Jane Campbell, Ed Pontius, Steve, Elvis Franck Nindorera, Pika Skoczenski, Mike Corson, Amos Hausman-Rogers, Amanda Cote,
I. Music & Spoken Word/Song: Rudy, Rodney, Amos, Rebecca S., Martin, Judy
II. Facilitator: Dave Grant
- Introduction and overview of PCD origin and development
- Meraki meeting schedule -in 2018, there will be a Meraki meeting quarterly after Sunday dance
- Committees: Wiz (Wizengamot), Thursday night dances, All ages dances, New Years Eve dance, Finance, Nominating (disbanded after the annual meeting), DJs
IV. Finance Report: John Boynton
V. Bylaw Change: Shelagh read. Deb sang. VOTE PASSED.
VI. Elections: Introduction of current officers -- Shelagh (President), Polly (Treasurer), Lindy (Secretary). Slate of candidates presented and new officers ELECTED-- Pika (President), Polly, (Treasurer) Judy (Secretary). Thanks to outgoing officers.
Unveiling of Regalia. Long live PCD.
VII. Discussion:
- Officers can choose to have an assistant (ex. Oracle as Assistant Treasurer)
- Photos taken at that annual meeting will posted to PCD Facebook (those present were offered an opt) (Jeff)
- Poll of those present who might be interested in ways to way to meet/get acquainted, discuss dance or non-dance topics off the floor (perhaps all men, or all women) (Jeff)
- Sensitivity to gender balance by Wiz during the post dance circle offering (and identifying) volunteers with whom they can ask questions about anything that occurs on or off the floor) (Amos) For Wiz follow up.
- Communications to PCD contact list/members about non-PCD dance, contact improv classes, workshops etc. (Jeanette). Legal issues around using PCD list for anything other than PCD related events. Other possibilities: Flyers on the tables, PCD webpage and PCD facebook. Dave encouraged attendance at Meraki meetings to further this discussion. PCD now sponsors a Thursday night and an all ages, an open question about any other sponsorships, for ex. a monthly contact improv jam.
- Suggestions are sought about how welcome/communicate to new dancers in a friendly but unobtrusive way (Wiz committee has ongoing discussions about this) (Martin)
- Agenda process is ad hoc (made at the start of Meraki) with the new quarterly meetings, this may change. (Lindy)
- Next Meraki, December 6th 7-9 pm: Tasha Salvo is hosting, 52 Bellaire Road, South Portland, Maine, 04106-4601