Meraki Meeting
Feb 16 2017
Polly Hosted
Attendance: Oracle, Blair, Mellen, Shelagh, John, Polly, Kiara, Lindy, Marty
Facilitator: Shelagh
1. Thursday night dances: DJ Feedback. DJ's have voted to take a reduction of pay to $150 from $175. Discussion re: financial loss. ? re: self sustaining.
Considering options for time, pay, play lists, etc. Polly resigns from Weve. Dave, Deb, and Oracle on Weve. Mechanics Hall may be becoming a community center.
408 Broadway, S. Portland, mentioned as a place that has been used in the past for dances.
2. Wiz: Blair: a. Weather Cancellation Policy is in place. Discussion re: Avant cancelling vs. PCD cancelling and other considerations. Actions: Lindy to put written policy into google docs. John to discuss with Kristin. Pre-recorded CD in greeter's bag if DJ can't come. Wiz has ultimate decision.
b. Committee Membership. We did have membership tenure in the past. Used to have 6 mo. membership. Didn't follow thru. Question need for new members. Action: Wiz to self monitor.
3. Spring Retreat: Kiara: 6 committee members. Cheri, Judy, Rudy, Kari, Jimmy, Kiara. Deposit made. Mtg. this Sun. Push for registration to go out in Mar.
Date: Mother's Day w/e. May 12-14. Send out notice for retreat "save the date". Will need 4 DJ's. Retreat to be self sustaining. Kiara suggests we get more information re: dates from Wavus and plan for projecting ahead. Empower Kiara to recruit committee members for 1-2 retreats per year. Event brite charges to use it. Must clarify if event gets cancelled. Kiara will bring up new information at next mtg. if needed. Actions: Committee meets 2/19. Send out "Save the Date" notice. Clarify Event Brite cancellation.
4. Quarterly Potluck: All 4 Sun. available in Mar. Pot Luck costs-space. Actions: Kiara to pursue organizing and determining date. Kiara to talk with Neal and Kristin. Wiz members to discuss. Shelagh to meet with Kiara.
5. Financial Oversight: Treasurer Role; $3000 deposit to Wavus. To be returned, currently on loan from deposit. Current balance $7000-$10,000. Corrective action. Discussed greeter involvement. Action: Finance committee to discuss and return to Meraki to propose announcements/suggestions in March.
6. Calendar: Mellen would like input re: what to include. Has gotten some.
7. Treasurer Role: Polly Sun. deposit, writing checks. John to do annual committments, taxes, etc.
9. Inquiry: Adults Dev. Disability. Shelagh reports on recent request. Action: Visitors welcome. Be aware and welcoming.
10. Liability Release Form: That people sign at first dance. John reports that we checked with the insurance agent and the form is good. To do every 3 yrs. Action: Table it until Mar.
11. Passwords: New for gmail. Check with John if you need it.
11. Next mtg.: Wed. Mar. 15, 7-9 PM. Host? Shelagh to check with Liberty.
For next meeting: By-Laws