Meraki Meeting
January 10, 2017
Attendance: Deb, Liz, Liberty, John, Lindy, Mellen, Dave, Blair, Steve, Polly
Thank you: Facilitator: Deb Hosts: Dave and Deb Grant Minutes: Lindy
Thank you: Facilitator: Deb Hosts: Dave and Deb Grant Minutes: Lindy
New Year's Eve Dance Debrief: 80 people, lost money, sleepy affair. Suggestions: Advertise earlier/1 mo. ahead. Spend less money on food. Different sliding scale > $15. Talk it up! Possible reasons: 4 day w/e. Lots going on that w/e. Lack of committee.
Calendar: Mellen suggested creating a calendar of annual events, allowing for more planning time, ie, NYE, retreats, annual meeting, etc. Plan: Mellen to have draft ready for the next meeting.
Renewing membership: Should we renew membership? What are the pros and cons? Dave and Blair did previously, but then John proposed that we do not renew membership. Sent out email 1-2 wks. before asking to click and re-enroll. Collected phones and emails. Tracked down people and called people. If we do it, bi-annually? Purpose is to cull membership list/attrition process.
Plan: 1. Repeat membership renewal. To begin in Sept. Dave to be membership chair. Blair to help.
2. Determine biannually, annually.
Membership List: Currently in both MailChimp and gmail contacts. Need some place to reliably store membership list. Discussed if we should have it in one place or not. The main issue in gmail is sending it out to the membership list with addresses exposed rather than BBC. Plan: John will determine how to proceed.
Communication Coordinator: Discussion re: gmail account and who monitors and corresponds. John has been monitoring gmail account daily and would like to have someone else take it on. Discussion re: who to do so and that they must be comfortable working in gmail and know what is going on in PCD. There was also discussion re: people who monitor it during a special event, ie, retreat. Plan: Lindy volunteered to talk to Shelagh about monitoring it and organizing the coordinators of special events. John to add to officer position description.
Changing Passwords: John proposes passwords be changed. Each person should have their own MailChimp login. Plan: John will set it up for whoever needs it. John to change google password. Liz to change Eventbrite password.
Wiz: Meeting got cancelled past Sun. Discussion re: snow cancellation. Telephone #=google voice number. Currently John and Neil know how to change the announcement. Plan: John to talk to Blair about how to change the outgoing announcement. When we cancel we will put an announcement on the phone line, send an email out and post on FB. Wiz decides and notifies if there will be a weather cancellation. If DJ can't make it, they call other DJ's and then talk to Wiz.
DJ's: To meet in next mo. or two. No suggestions for their meeting.
Paying rent for New Year's Day: Neil had conversation with Kristin and suggested we pay half b/c of a 60 day cancellation policy. We did not know about that in the past. $225/session. Plan: Get holiday and cancellation policy in writing. John to talk to Kristin. We will pay Kristin 50% for New Year's Day.
Safety/Aggression: Proposal-- drop from agenda. Nothing alive to deal with. Plan: Discuss pot luck topical at next meeting.
Spring retreat: Committee-Shelagh/Kiara. Survey results ranked Mother's Day w/e, May 12-15, first. Has Kiara booked Wavus? TBD. Discussion re: whether to have one or two retreats/year. Do we have enough dedicated volunteers or interest to do more than 1/yr? Liberty to talk to Kari and Jimmy about their continued interest in being on the retreat committee for Spring 2017. Suggestion to only have one retreat this year. On agenda for next meeting.
Liability waivers: Mellen initiated the question re: having new liability waivers for dancers. Currently stored in different locations. Suggestions: Check law for liability waivers. Use binder, alphabetically. Plan: Lindy to contact our ins. co. John to provide contact.
Next Meeting: Feb. 7. 7-9 PM. Location TBD.
New Year's Eve Dance Debrief: 80 people, lost money, sleepy affair. Suggestions: Advertise earlier/1 mo. ahead. Spend less money on food. Different sliding scale > $15. Talk it up! Possible reasons: 4 day w/e. Lots going on that w/e. Lack of committee.
Calendar: Mellen suggested creating a calendar of annual events, allowing for more planning time, ie, NYE, retreats, annual meeting, etc. Plan: Mellen to have draft ready for the next meeting.
Renewing membership: Should we renew membership? What are the pros and cons? Dave and Blair did previously, but then John proposed that we do not renew membership. Sent out email 1-2 wks. before asking to click and re-enroll. Collected phones and emails. Tracked down people and called people. If we do it, bi-annually? Purpose is to cull membership list/attrition process.
Plan: 1. Repeat membership renewal. To begin in Sept. Dave to be membership chair. Blair to help.
2. Determine biannually, annually.
Membership List: Currently in both MailChimp and gmail contacts. Need some place to reliably store membership list. Discussed if we should have it in one place or not. The main issue in gmail is sending it out to the membership list with addresses exposed rather than BBC. Plan: John will determine how to proceed.
Communication Coordinator: Discussion re: gmail account and who monitors and corresponds. John has been monitoring gmail account daily and would like to have someone else take it on. Discussion re: who to do so and that they must be comfortable working in gmail and know what is going on in PCD. There was also discussion re: people who monitor it during a special event, ie, retreat. Plan: Lindy volunteered to talk to Shelagh about monitoring it and organizing the coordinators of special events. John to add to officer position description.
Changing Passwords: John proposes passwords be changed. Each person should have their own MailChimp login. Plan: John will set it up for whoever needs it. John to change google password. Liz to change Eventbrite password.
Wiz: Meeting got cancelled past Sun. Discussion re: snow cancellation. Telephone #=google voice number. Currently John and Neil know how to change the announcement. Plan: John to talk to Blair about how to change the outgoing announcement. When we cancel we will put an announcement on the phone line, send an email out and post on FB. Wiz decides and notifies if there will be a weather cancellation. If DJ can't make it, they call other DJ's and then talk to Wiz.
DJ's: To meet in next mo. or two. No suggestions for their meeting.
Paying rent for New Year's Day: Neil had conversation with Kristin and suggested we pay half b/c of a 60 day cancellation policy. We did not know about that in the past. $225/session. Plan: Get holiday and cancellation policy in writing. John to talk to Kristin. We will pay Kristin 50% for New Year's Day.
Safety/Aggression: Proposal-- drop from agenda. Nothing alive to deal with. Plan: Discuss pot luck topical at next meeting.
Spring retreat: Committee-Shelagh/Kiara. Survey results ranked Mother's Day w/e, May 12-15, first. Has Kiara booked Wavus? TBD. Discussion re: whether to have one or two retreats/year. Do we have enough dedicated volunteers or interest to do more than 1/yr? Liberty to talk to Kari and Jimmy about their continued interest in being on the retreat committee for Spring 2017. Suggestion to only have one retreat this year. On agenda for next meeting.
Liability waivers: Mellen initiated the question re: having new liability waivers for dancers. Currently stored in different locations. Suggestions: Check law for liability waivers. Use binder, alphabetically. Plan: Lindy to contact our ins. co. John to provide contact.
Next Meeting: Feb. 7. 7-9 PM. Location TBD.