Attending: Chloe & Neil (hosting), Mellen, John (notes), Natasha, Nev, Rebecca S., Wayne, Julie Vohs, Blair, Parks
Rebecca Strauss' proposal for monthly dance for "New Mainers"
Rebecca teaches English as a second language to refugees/asylum seekers, etc. "New Mainers" value music & dance.
Idea: create a community monthly dance with 1 hour PCD DJ, 1 hour African community DJ.
Suggests PCD could sponsor or kick off, announce using email list.
Entrance fee would be by suggested donation (some can't afford). Money in excess of expenses would be donated to existing nonprofits that explicitly fund refugees and asylees.
Discussion about how much support PCD could offer. Don't need permission to engage PCD DJs. Concerns expressed about use of the email list, safety with "New Mainers" coming to Sunday Dance.
We agreed that PCD would support helping to get this off the ground, and can use the email list to announce it. Rebecca to work on further details and report back next meeting.
Monthly Thursday Night Dance
We need to figure out DJ scheduling. (Haven't had DJ meeting) Greeters: roll into Cherie? Nev and Julie can be greeters. We're planning the same format as Sunday Dance across the board. Mellen: I need to be in the loop for announcements. Nev would like to see it folded into regular announcements. Sound system: Deb says existing sound system fine if you move speakers onto the floor (Need to test). Money handling: Chloe/Nev will pay DJ and deliver funds with completed greeter sheet to John at Sunday Dance. Buy another whiteboard and first aid kit (voted yes). Don't know what storage is available there. We'll hold 3 initially, then see if it catches on.
Bonnie Jo
Proposal to take up a collection for Bonnie Jo. We'll allow a basket, but no PCD announcement at dance or by email list.
New Year's Eve
We have Avant reserved; they need $300 deposit. John will pay.
Membership signups/meeting
Blair to organize membership signups; will send email announcement and announce after dance. Members need to sign up again annually, so we can have an accurate count of members for meeting quora. We tabled the email announcement for next Meraki meeting.
Annual Membership meeting
It's time to plan our annual membership meeting. Need to know if officers and board members want to stay on or what, or who might want to step forward. We set the date tentatively for November 15; Neil to check with Kristin. Alternate date: November 8.
Safety Progress Report
Nev: No progress on safety dance proposal
Sound System
"Taking it to the next level" with our sound system. Richer experience possible. Coincidentally, Avant sound system was blown a few weeks ago. Even so, existing sound system has limitations. DJ recommendation: 2 12" self-powered, 1 subwoofer $3K for 1/2 a sound system (2 speakers, 1 subwoofer). We'd have to either store, schlep, or install equipment. (If installing would need to be able to uninstall.) Could either do demo or rent a sound system to try it out and hear. Would be good to at least get an idea of logistics before we do a trial. Outside storage shed? Rent closet from another business? Table for now. General support for further investigation. Neil will report back at next meeting.
Live Music
Chloe: no update, tabled for now.
DJ Feedback
Feedback should go to DJ coordinator (Kellie). Kellie Deb, Nev made DJ feedback form; status unknown; Nev to check with Kellie. For now, got to Kellie; more formal mechanism is being developed.
Sensitive Topics
Tabled for now
Next Meeting
Monday October 19, 7-9PM, Location TBD. Julie to arrange for meeting space.