Saturday, August 16, 2014

Meraki (Steering Committee) Meeting Notes 8/12/14

We met at Eva's lovely home in SoPo. Thanks Eva for your hospitality!

Present: Eva, Deb (facilitating), Dave, Neil, Chloë, Julie, Jill, Parks, Liberty, Kellie, Mellen, Blair, Jim Young, John (notetaker); Traca and Don in our hearts and by remote video road song presentation

Communications coordinator replacement
  • Paid position? No, but consider another time
  • Don set the bar really high with his creative presentations. Whoever takes on this job can make it simple and not feel they have to live up to Don's standards. (Ed: though he is a tough act to follow.)
  • Announcements frequency doesn't have to be once a week. Maybe once a month? Although the announcements are fun to get every week.
  • Neil volunteered to take it on, with Julie and John as backups. Neil wants to do them every week. John to get login details to Neil; Communications Committee to advise Meraki if there's trouble down the road.

Community Health Issue
  • Eva raised the concern about public health concerns in light of current Ebola virus epidemic in Africa. And in Maine, we have the cold and flu season. What should we be doing to safeguard the health of our community members?
  • Resolved: ask the communications person to make an announcement ("Stay home if you're sick") when there's a wider health concern (like a flu outbreak).

Lea's request to have us take over EDM punch cards
  • Background: Lea sent a letter to the PCD email address asking if we'd consider accepting and honoring the handful of punch cards she has. No payment was discussed for this consideration.
  • The overwhelming response amongst those present: No.
  • John to send a response email to Lea saying simply: No (Ed.: This was done 8/13/14)

Chloë's upcoming move; upcoming opening for Thursday evenings at BiM
  • Chloë is planning to move to Holyoke MA, and will be teaching until Oct 1.
  • We tried to veto this precipitous action, but unfortunately could not.
  • She offered that if PCD or one of its members was interested in taking over her Thursday evening teaching slot at Bhakti in Motion, she'd make the suggestion to BiM.
  • We discussed various options for PCD taking this on. Deb is interested in teaching in the fall, and we'd be stretching ourselves thin by taking on another weekly dance. So Chloë and Deb will work together to see if Deb could have the slot.

  • Dave (membership chair; Blair co-chair) reviewed our agreements for establishing membership:
    • Timeframe: Enrollment is open, but advertised at the will of the Meraki, probably once or twice a year.
    • Annual renewals
    • Revocation possible by Board of Directors (established in bylaws)
    • Membership document approved for putting at the front table.
  • The time to initiate membership signups is drawing near.
  • We'll take up membership signups and the first annual Membership Meeting (slated for around the beginning of November) at the next Meraki Meeting.

  • Neal raised the concern about sensitivity of some dancers to strong fragrances, including perfume, essential oils, strong smelling shampoo and hair products.
  • Let's create a phrase that goes into the email.
  • Make an announcement occasionally at the end of Sunday Dance
  • Deb to write up a blurb for the email announcement. (Ed.: Completed 8/13/14)

Sacred Silence
  • Feedback from Liz Farmer: silence makes it more sacred feeling. She appreciates the atmosphere we've established (not hookup like in Boston)
  • Julie: Create banner? Good idea, but we couldn't agree on verbiage. Tabled for now.

Service (Dave)
  • Look for ways of being generous that are part of community building
  • Specific idea: Preble St. But think broadly about the possibilities for us to serve the community
  • Dave will take this on

Paid retreat (Eva):
  • Wouldn't it be nice to offer paid weekend retreat for everybody?
  • Would be for members, but this could create a number of difficulties
  • Other ideas: have one or more free dances; lower the price of Sunday Dance; make New Year's eve free for members
  • Just an idea to think about; we'll table it for now

Don & Traca video
  • Dave showed a video that Don and Traca recorded on the road for us. What a sweet way to have their presence at the meeting!
  • Our resident professional videographer Dave Grant filmed our group response lovefest. Fun!

Next meeting: September 23, 7PM at Neil's (147 Brackett St.)

Agenda items for next time:
  • Start membership signup
  • Plan membership meeting
  • (John) New Wizengamot members